Sheep are always looking for a new shepherd when the terrain gets rocky.

You can't save people from themselves. You can only try to wake them up.

Omnipotent not omniscient. We are frequently blinded by how much we see.

Try a rocket launcher. Think maybe you could manage to hit me with that?

There aren't many sins in my bible. Giving up is the greatest one of all.

The battle had been invisible to the naked eye, but the hardest ones are.

The wisest man is the silent one. Examine his actions. Judge him by them.

People treat you as badly as you let them treat you. Key word there: let.

Oh, drop the act, Tinkerbell, and get rid of my problem. Then we’ll talk.

Some things are sacred. Until you act like they're not. Then you lose them

When he kisses me again, the last part of me that could stand myself dies.

He was on me before my brain processed the fact that he was coming for me.

Silence isn't golden, it's deadly. It's a vacuum that fills up with ghosts.

So how did he look at me?" "Like it was his birthday and you were the cake.

If you are not with me, you are against me. I have no mercy for my enemies.

You and I more than anyone else in the universe are perfect for each other.

Mac." He said my name and laughed. "What a name for something like you. Mac.

Holy water at my wrists and behind my ears; my version of Eau de Don'tbiteme

Like a horse, honey, somebody's gonna break you.' 'Never. Going. To. Happen.

Revenge. They took too much. You give up and die, or learn how to take back.

Please tell me we don't grow up and turn into the adults that drive us crazy.

Do your thing, Ms. Lane. you might be criminally young, but the night is not.

You can't go forward if you're looking backward. You run into walls that way.

You, Ms. Lane, are a menace to others! A walking, talking catastrophe in pink!

But then we so rarely understand the value of what we possess until it's gone.

I'll never get laid trying to keep you safe. You're a train wreck on steroids.

Gah, some chicks should be shot. Put out of everyone else's reproduction pool.

I have your word?” “You trust my word?” “You’re an idealistic fool. Of course.

The kiss....was not meant to seduce, it was meant to mark a woman's soul. Chloe

He lives. I breathe. I want. Him. Always. Fire to my ice. Ice to my fever. -Mac

I'm here. You're safe now. It's okay to remember. They can never hurt you again.

We were watching Barrons. Why were you watching Barrons? Barrons needs watching.

It's not my fault who I am. The only think that's my fault is what I choose to do

It's often only in the lies we refuse to speak that any truth can be heard at all.

Evil is a completely different creature, Mac. Evil is bad that believes it's good.

When my faith is getting weak And I feel like giving in You breathe into me again.

I have a black sense of humor. You try living my life, see what color yours turns.

Oooh! Stop that. When you smile at me I want all of it." "What?" He looked confused

Gwen Cassidy needed a man. Desperately. Failing that, she'd settle for a cigarette.

Caring is love. And love fights! Love doesn't look for the path of least resistance.

How dare the embodiment of her worst nightmare come packaged as her hottest fantasy?

Anyone worth knowing breaks once. Once. No shame, no foul if you survive it. You did.

Four: If you try to force yourself into my head, I will force myself into your pants.

Life isn't always fair, lass, but that doesn't mean it can't still be sweet."- Dageus

If V’lane were a signpost, it would read Abandon All Personal Will, Ye Who Tread Here.

Bedevil the devil and devil be dammed. I fear no devil and bow to no man. - Adam Black

If he was winter, I was summer. If I was sunshine, he was night. A dark and stormy one.

The kind of person that thanks another person never survives. Have you learned nothing?

You hated my rainbows, now you don't like my leather. Is there anything you like on me?

It's why I laugh so much. If my face is going to stick, I'm going to like looking at it.

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