I love twins stories.

I don't get hung up a lot on angst.

Women know how to scare other women.

Oh, I'm completely OCD about neatness.

I'm not somebody who believes in evil.

I've always been drawn to historical fiction.

I grew up watching the 'People's Choice Awards.'

Libraries are the backbone of our education system.

As a Southerner, I love obstacles for my characters.

I write fifteen hours a day, stopping at Oprah-o'clock.

You can take my heart, but I can't let you take my dog.

I set the goal of getting a book contract by age thirty.

In the South, we drink the Bible with our mother's milk.

Visual storytelling is at once immediate and subversive.

Jack Reacher is one of the sexiest characters in fiction.

Even Gone With the Wind had a shocking, cold-blooded murder.

A lot of men just don't read. They don't read fiction at all.

Even 'Gone With the Wind' had a shocking, cold-blooded murder.

Prosecutors and public defenders deserve to make a living wage.

Random House is definitely invested in keeping libraries healthy.

The familiar trope of the woman in peril doesn't really interest me.

Reading is not just an escape. It is access to a better way of life.

Usually, guys, when something bad happens, they punish someone else.

You can only make decisions with the information you have at the time

I don't understand people who say they're bored. Look out your window.

Women can be two different people - one person at home, another at work.

I paid for my name a lot when I was growing up because other kids teased me.

As much as we would like to deny it, reading is not vital to human survival.

A good editor is one of the sharpest tools a writer can have in her toolbox.

Feminism has been so co-opted, but the fact is, feminism benefits men as well.

I think chalking up human behavior to evil lets us all off the hook too easily.

I always want to make sure the book I'm writing is the best book I can deliver.

When you write as a woman, there's this feeling there's going to be a softness.

Women who write thrillers are called 'dark.' Male writers are called 'powerful.'

When a woman creates an unlikable character, a lot of people think it's a mistake.

I never really fitted in, because I've always been interested in really dark things.

Anyone who's been to high school with teenage girls knows how horrible girls can be.

Everybody had something horrible happen to them at one time or another in their life.

Equal access to reading is fundamental to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Graphic novels let you take risks that just wouldn't fly in the conventional book form.

I grew up in a small town in Georgia where nothing bad happened - it was like Mayberry.

My sister is dyslexic, and she's so smart, so intelligent in all of the ways that matter.

Like every Southern writer, I thought that I needed to write the next Gone With the Wind.

My books are never about the crimes. They are about how the characters react to the crimes.

Like every Southern writer, I thought that I needed to write the next 'Gone With the Wind.'

Everyone had a reason for everything they did, even if that reason was sometimes stupidity.

I never want to write a book just to tell a story. There is always something deeper going on.

That's why I love crime novels so much: When I write a crime novel, the conflict is built in.

I read a lot of true crime growing up - 'The Stranger Beside Me' by Ann Rule about Ted Bundy.

I have a few unusual fans, as you can imagine, so I try to protect the privacy of my home life.

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