I smoke, isn't that terrible?

Honesty will never break you.

I'm very flirtatious, and I enjoy it.

You Can't Lose Something You Never Had

I always thought my mother was so damn cute!

A lot of people don't want to grow up because it sucks.

I'm not a big fan of romantic comedies, believe it or not.

I'm not a big fan of romantic comedies, believe it or not...

The only things I'm competitive in are backgammon and poker.

I'm big on manners. I'm big on politeness. I'm big on gratitude.

Your children teach you so much. It's a real mirror of yourself.

I actually really love to work out. You need to find what you love.

I think any message behind a lifestyle brand should embrace everyone.

When you're nursing and you're working 18-hour days, that's pretty hard

Do you know what a blessing it is to make movies that make people happy?

When you're nursing and you're working 18-hour days, that's pretty hard.

If you work out 20 minutes a day in some way, you're going to see changes.

Happiness is not something that just comes to you. It's an active process.

You don't wear stuff for other people; you've got to wear it for yourself.

Forgiveness in any aspect of something that is complex is the greatest tool.

To do high fashion, you have to go into a little bit of a higher price point.

Never worry about bad press: All that matters is if they spell your name right.

Never worry about bad press. All that matters is if they spell your name right.

Somebody can become a celebrity for being stupid. That is what it's turned into

I'm not afraid of heights. I rock climb. I can repel off the side of a building.

Somebody can become a celebrity for being stupid. That is what it's turned into.

I'm not interested in being fearful. I'm not a good flyer, but that doesn't stop me.

Nothing, literally nothing, makes me feel like I'm back to my body more than Pilates.

If it's a big hit, fantastic. If it's not, then it's not. I don't worry about my work

If it's a big hit, fantastic. If it's not, then it's not. I don't worry about my work.

I'm superstitious... but not like wear the same underwear for two weeks superstitious.

I'm superstitious ... but not like wear the same underwear for two weeks superstitious.

If I'm not feeling good, I load on jewelry. It gives me energy and makes me feel happy.

I like when life is sort of spontaneous. I like the unexpected. I'm comfortable in that!

You do get the pregnant mush-brain... you know what it's like? It's like getting stoned.

The best thing I probably do is - I'll say I'm a pretty darn good parent. I got good kids.

I don't like working out with lots of makeup because I don't like it getting into my pores.

Just as it takes work to be in a relationship, so it takes work to not be in a relationship.

I slather Egyptian Magic cream all over my face on overnight flights to keep my skin hydrated.

I auditioned on my own. I tried to make a mark for myself without anybody's help, not even Mom's

I auditioned on my own. I tried to make a mark for myself without anybody's help, not even Mom's.

Relationships ending are painful, and you can choose to carry that, or you can choose to reframe it.

I was a dancer, so for me, if I don't work out for a week or move my body in some sense, I feel weird.

I'm a nature girl. I grew up in Colorado and was always outside. I still am, even when I'm in the city.

Only in failure do you reach success. You can only get to the good stuff when you've done the hard stuff.

Sometimes I'll lock myself in a room and dance. I'll turn music on as loud as possible and just get weird!

I love my shape because I work really hard at it. I honor my body by working out and seeing what it can do.

When you see something, you are supposed to tell the energy what year it is and that they don't belong there.

I don't believe [monogamy] is realistic. But, I believe that we, as people, have the power to make it happen.

I have a big, flamboyant, open personality, which I think is why people may be saying these nice things about me.

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