I'd love to play Wonder Woman.

I still sleep with my baby blanket.

I hate horror movies, with a passion.

Sometimes you have to be uncomfortable.

I love Harley Quinn. I do. I just love it.

'Star Wars' meant everything to me growing up.

I love to run, and I actually run quite a bit.

I wear high heels and dresses. I am a total girly girl.

I am a daddy's girl at heart, even though I'm in my 30s.

Every sex scene is always, without a doubt, terribly funny.

I am definitely a lot more girly that the characters that I play.

I get recognized so much. It happens mostly when Im in Starbucks.

I get recognized so much. It happens mostly when I'm in Starbucks.

I have never looked at a child and been so angry that I flipped out.

I don't subscribe to the thinking that being typecast is a bad thing.

The Olympics was a goal, and definitely, swimming in college was a goal.

I'm not very good in crowds, so I usually try to become as small as possible.

When you take on a TV show, you give trust to people that you really just met.

Every job after the first job I got was icing on the cake. This is so much fun.

The fight scenes are pretty easy and come pretty naturally for me, to be honest.

People love a good story, even if it's a story that has very little truth to it.

I think when you're doing good work, you don't necessarily need to be validated.

Most of the characters I play are heavily engulfed in some sort of fantasy world.

My mom has always said that you don't know what love is until you've had a child.

People don't realize that I started in musical theater. That's where my roots are.

We're not curing cancer, people. I wish we were, but we're not. It's entertainment.

My dad always said that hard work beats talent when talent doesnt work hard enough.

Most people don't go to work and beat up a 13-year-old. It's a really freaky thing.

My dad always said that hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard enough.

I grew up watching science fiction and action movies. I love it. I absolutely love it!

The sad thing is, I never wanted to be Princess Leia - I always wanted to be Han Solo!

It's a very, very rare moment when another actor hurts you. I mean, that's not normal.

My goal is to make people feel passionately, if it's negative or positive, I did my job.

As an actor, you put yourself out there. You put yourself in the arena as an easy target.

I absolutely have not spoken to Marvel. It doesn't mean that my team hasn't spoken to Marvel.

Some of the craziest people Ive met, in my life, are some of the most brilliant people Ive met.

Part of what I love about television is that my imagination gets to keep going. It doesn't stop.

There's a side to you as an actor, a selfish side, that wants to go on and play different roles.

I've never really had the opportunity to play something that's a complete departure from me yet.

Some of the craziest people I've met, in my life, are some of the most brilliant people I've met.

With a first season, you never really know how viewers or the network are going to react to a show.

I was planning that whole athletic slide into Stanford rather than actually getting a 1450 on my SATs.

I love playing these characters that are crazy tough, though. Because I am not in real life. Not at all.

The first movie my dad ever showed me was 'Predator' - I was five. And I think the second one was 'Jaws.'

I'm a lot girlier than the roles that I play. I joke with Tricia Helfer all the time that she's my muscle.

In some weird, warped way, I'm actually convinced that if I got mugged, I could probably take out the guy.

I'm kind of used to being around guys on set, and I grew up with a brother who treated me like I was a boy.

I don't take myself that seriously, I'm taking the piss out of myself. I can't really beat up guys, it's fun!

As far as I'm concerned... there's a side to an actor that wants to go on and play a thousand different roles.

The only way that a mother would go after her own children is if she's just completely gone and has no humanity.

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