I'm just singing about my own life. Singing about all the little stories in my life and the things I've been through.

I'm a woman who likes to be courted, strongly. Never say never, I guess you'd say. I'll let love take the lead on that.

I don't take anything for granted. There are 500 other girls right behind me. And I know that, because I was one of them.

I think that you should definitely listen to what people say, because everyone says it: High school is not the real world.

I'll continue to try and balance like a circus act. And I will just fight to always tell the truth. Even if it's difficult.

My fans are the best. I mean if there was a war, I think they'd definitely win just because they'd kill them with kindness.

Honey, I am the chief of my train. If critics want to hop on board, fantastic. There's plenty of room. The KP train is fun.

I have always been the kid who's asked 'Why?' In my faith, you're just supposed to have faith. But I was always like 'why?'

I have always been the kid who's asked 'Why?' In my faith, you're just supposed to have faith. But I was always like... why?

You look at someone like Beyoncé singing Single Ladies, when we all know she's married. Some of it is just for entertainment.

Sometimes if you want to achieve something great, there will be curveballs. You just have to dodge them every once in a while.

I grew up not really having anything, so the idea that I can take care of my family and my friends now is a really cool bonus.

You look at someone like Beyonce singing 'Single Ladies,' when we all know she's married. Some of it is just for entertainment.

I grew up listening to gospel. That was the only thing that I had reference to because that was what my family was involved with.

I wanted it to be like Amy Grant, but it didn't pan out that way. My label actually went bankrupt, and I was left without a home.

I just feel like I have this gift that I've been given. It's like, 'Someone unwrap it! Here it is!' That drive can't be held down.

I feel like my secret magic trick that separates me from a lot of my peers is the bravery to be vulnerable and truthful and honest.

I'm definitely not trying to be, or am, a poster child for anything so structured. But I do have my own personal faith most definitely.

I always knew I wanted a great man of God, someone who was going to be an inspiration for people and also be a lovely husband and father.

I still want to make a pop record. I want to make a more sonically current pop record. I maybe want to make people move a little bit more.

I think the world likes to pick apart different songs and play doctor with songs sometimes and make them into this big controversial thing.

I don't follow trends. I'm just not into what everyone else is wearing. I have my own look, which I call 'Lolita Meets Old Hollywood Glam.'

When I first started out, I was really attracted to having my own sense of style because I started swing dancing, lindy hop, and jitterbug.

You could travel the world, but nothing comes close to the golden coast. Once you party with us, you'll be falling in love, Oooooh Oh Oooooh!

People don't want just vanilla. They want 31 flavors. I couldn't do what Rihanna does. I couldn't do what Gaga does. They can't do what I do.

I really love going to shows where I'm sandwiched between people, and you don't know if the sweat on you is yours or the person's next to you.

I just feel like I'm going to be criticized regardless of what I do next, so I might as well do something that I feel really passionate about.

I am never usually taking myself too seriously and I think that people when they read stuff from me, they have to realise that I'm having fun.

Everybody wants to have a commentary on my life, like they are actually living it. Cool, comment all you want but I'm the one that's living it.

I did a lot of thrift and vintage. I would mix those pieces into some of the more inexpensive items from Express, Gap, Old Navy, and Clothestime.

But of course I love my Japanese fans and the show must go on, no matter the daily aftershocks or husband kidnappings! It's not right but it's okay

Relationships are kind of like riding a bull. You hang on for dear life and sometimes you get a little buck here and there ... but you get back on.

I grew up in a life where the answer was always there, I guess. But now I'm out on my own and still looking for the answer. Nothing is solved for me.

I don't want to completely self-sabotage everything that I've got and alienate everyone. But I definitely want to take some chances as I always have.

I have a soft spot for musicians. If a man could ride this roller coaster with me and come out alive, then I guess we'd deserve each other's company.

My sister travels with me, and she's the person who keeps me in line, whether I like it or not. I trust her and also have a good, healthy fear of her.

I don't believe in a heaven or a hell or an old man sitting on a throne. I believe in a higher power bigger than me because that keeps me accountable.

At my second record label, they told me and other female artists that some of us were going on the chopping block. I was 19... and it was devastating.

My dad would give me $10, which is a lot of money when you're 9, to sing at church, on tables at restaurants, at family functions, just about anywhere.

I still want to be as approachable and relatable as possible - when I meet fans and they're crying, I'll say, 'Calm down, there's nothing to cry about.'

You think I'm pretty Without any make-up on You think I'm funny When I tell the punch line wrong I know you get me So I'll let my walls come down, down.

I'm okay with having bad dance moves. I'm okay with having horrible lower teeth. That's what makes me me, and for some reason it's worked out all right.

I think we're all blessed with gifts and I was lucky I just found out what mine was early on and have planted that seed and tried to water it every day.

I like to go out there looking like a strong woman, because I am strong. But I am also a woman who goes through all kinds of problems and highs and lows.

I think that parents grow up with an idea of what they want their kids to be like - and then their kids grow up to be people of themselves, of their own.

I have a soft spot for women, I'm not afraid of it, some women walk into the room, and they're so beautiful and you're like, 'I wanna smell you' you know?

I feel like I have a little bit of a fresh ear when creating music. I'm not trying to be like anything else, cuz I have no idea what anything else is like!

For me especially, I always have a very cheery disposition and that's how I've always come off. So I forget that doesn't really allow me to have a bad mood.

I'd like to say I'd like to be as big as a Gwen or a Madonna, but I think those days of achieving that level are over. The media is bringing everybody down.

My job is for the people. It's for the public. It's for their consumption. So I've done a lot in that way, and I see that the hard work has finally paid off.

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