I want the deepest, darkest, sickest parts of you that you are afraid ...

I want the deepest, darkest, sickest parts of you that you are afraid to share with anyone because I love you that much.

A woman is most beautiful when she smiles.

A woman is most beautiful when she smiles.

I'm a shoe girl.

I'm a studio rat.

Music is in my DNA!

I love imperfections.

A chorus is not easy.

I'm a very lucky girl.

I really like to cook.

I hate hateful people.

I'm a wandering gypsy.

I love Canada, always.

I just like having fun.

I'm perpetually lonely.

How I love David Bowie.

I already am a product.

I'm constantly thinking.

People want you to fail.

I'm on the edge with you

I have a lot of ambition.

Pop stars should not eat.

I don't care about money.

I like them old and rich.

I don't believe in icons.

I love trying new things.

I've had sleep paralysis.

Who runs the world? Girls.

I feel very, very blessed.

I'm drawn to bad romances.

I like pushing boundaries.

I'm not real. I'm theatre.

I live on my gut instinct.

I waited for my first kiss.

Remember one rule, no rule.

I have a very strong family.

I can be an emotional eater.

My mom and I are very close.

Single life is so overrated.

'Eastern Promises' is great.

I have a secret love of jazz.

I’d trade my soul for a wish.

I like to let things breathe.

Love is an interesting thing.

If I can be a leader, I will.

Marriage is scary to me, man.

Going home helps the content.

I am not bossy, I am the boss.

Love is the new denim or black

Only I can snatch my own weave

I was so ashamed of who I was.

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