I want to play Keith Richards.

We should just be good humans.

I'm a Londoner, so I'm a bit feisty.

I think of women as an all-being creature.

I'm not a girly girl. I don't brush my hair.

The moors have this weird energy. They trap you.

The way I work, I didn't hold the accent all day.

I wanna make my mark, and I wanna be part of something!

My mother is Brazilian, and her grandfather was Italian.

What attracted me to 'The Maze Runner' is its pure action.

We're all lucky to be working, and I'm glad to be employed.

When I'm at work, I do try and embody it as much as possible.

Mum built a life for me in a difficult place at a difficult time.

I'm not comfortable doing nudity. That's something quite personal.

I don't know any women who are one-dimensional, so why would I play one?

I've always had confidence issues; I just get scared of doing things wrong.

I find it easy to act being in love. I've experienced that and analysed it.

I got incredibly lucky, and you have to be if you want to be quite successful.

I like movies because I've been getting leads, and TV is more about ensemble casts.

I don't like to make predictions, because my life's been pretty unpredictable so far.

Most people think of 'Wuthering Heights' as romantic; it's really not about that at all.

My colleagues are my colleagues, my friends are my friends. It's never been male or female.

My mom raised me on her own, so I decided to take her name 'cause she was my mom and my dad.

'Skins' meant so much to so many people. It was so much part of its time, and I was so young.

I played American when I was, like, fourteen, and I was awful. I cringed the whole way through.

My mother is amazing. She moved from Surrey to London, taught herself English, and found a job.

Considering what the 'Fifty Shades of Grey' film is about, I wouldn't be able to play Anastacia.

'Skins' has been such a great thing for our generation - I don't want it to become a parody of itself.

I didn't tell anyone in school that I was going to be in 'Skins.' I was terrified of them putting me down.

I consider myself a Londoner first, and then I consider myself Brazilian before I consider myself English.

I don't think there is enough youth employment or enough push for youths to kind of do want they want to do.

We lived in a council flat, and I spent most of my time on estates. My mum was very strict. I used to hate it.

I didn't want to be the girl in the group that couldn't do as much as the boys. I'm very competitive like that.

I had no confidence as a child; I still really don't. Acting is the only thing I've ever felt comfortable doing.

It was hard to go into the world and start auditioning as real actors. Having to pay bills was rather scary, too.

My mum has told me that I have to work with Antonio Banderas just so that she can meet him and try and marry him.

'Skins' was the university for me. It was the best years of my life, really. We were all just a bunch of friends.

'Skins' was never about sending a message. It was showing you everything there was and letting you make a decision.

When someone shouts 'Skins' at you, its funny the first time. But after a hundred times, you think, 'I do have a name.'

I was bullied; I was kind of a girl in the corner. So acting was a great outlet for me by pretending to be someone else.

You don't have to necessarily go down the drama school route, or have connections in the industry. You can just make it.

On 'Skins,' we only ever filmed for a couple of months in the summer. When I wasn't on set, I was doing my normal things.

We come from a very humble background. A lot of my paycheck from 'Skins' went to paying the bills and getting us a new sofa.

It's nice to know that a studio is willing to put a female in a film without expecting the character to have a love interest.

Acting's such a good job in that you're stimulating and pushing yourself constantly. I'd never want to do anything comfortable.

I think a lot of people, when they don't quite fit in in the world, use humor to combat that and to find their place in society.

I was very hesitant about doing a period film. It was very much out of my comfort zone; I'd never done anything like that before.

I do have a lot of respect for the girls in 'Hollyoaks.' It takes a lot of effort to look like that constantly. I couldn't do it.

I can't wait to take my son to see 'Wonder Woman' - I can't wait to show him all the female characters can be well-rounded people.

I'd like to think that even if I wasn't acting professionally, I would still be doing it for free. It helps me get through the day.

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