I don't regret nuthin.

It's good to be anywhere.

Songwriting's a weird game.

My life is full of broken halos.

I'm not getting old I'm evolving.

No broken hearts, no broken necks.

What is life but playing with time?

Rap - so many words, so little said.

I only get ill when I give up drugs.

I haven't stopped smoking...anything

The Beatles were basically a vocal band.

Rock n Roll is music from the neck down.

Some things get better with age. Like me.

You don't find a style. A style finds you

The public library is the great equaliser.

I'm an unpure purist, something like that.

Rock and Roll: Music for the neck downwards.

Poison's not bad. It's a matter of how much.

I like it here in Austin. Anybody got a room?

I have no idea what the audience makes of me.

It's a privilege just to wake up to a new day.

The rock's easy, but the roll is another thing.

The Stones in a club is still the ultimate rush.

I'm all for a quiet life. I just didn't get one.

If you're gonna get wasted, get wasted elegantly.

It's great to be here. It's great to be anywhere.

I never thought I was wasted, but I probably was.

I don't wave a flag for anything. I'm a musician.

To a musician or songwriter, your canvas is silence.

Love has sold more songs than you've had hot dinners.

If you've gotta think about being cool, you ain't cool.

Whatever side I take, I know well that I will be blamed.

Retire? I can't spell the word. I'd play in a wheelchair.

Rock and roll ain't nothing but jazz with a hard backbeat.

If you are going to get wasted, then get wasted elegantly.

I've never had my hair cut by anybody, I do it all myself.

There's no substitute for live work to keep a band together.

Why would you want to be anything else if you're Mick Jagger?

I'm free of hypochondria-- although I've got everything else.

[John] Belushi was an extreme experience even by my standards.

When I started, all I wanted to do was play like Chuck (Berry)

Nobody wants to get old, but nobody wants to die young either.

You can't accuse me of anything I haven't already confessed to.

You're always learning about this thing everytime you pick it up

I look for ambiguity when I'm writing because life is ambiguous.

Anything you throw yourself into, you better get yourself out of.

Guitar is easy, all it takes is 5 fingers, 6 strings and 1 a**hole

I don't have a problem with drugs, I have a problem with policemen.

I wouldn't warm to [Chuck Berry] even if I was cremated next to him.

I am not doing it just for the money or for you.I am doing it for me.

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