My real name is Lauren.

Staying stagnant is not okay.

Not being happy really is my fear.

I've been keeping journals since I was 13.

Sometimes things seem too good to be true.

I don't curl my hair. In fact, I don't know how to.

I've always been who I've been. I've always been this person.

Learn to love yourself and all that other stuff will not matter

I like the medium boys. Not real perfect, but not too bad, either.

Singing was my first passion. Whenever I sing, I'm always so happy.

I love singing and I love performing and just making things perfect.

We need to stop separating ourselves by how dark or how light we are.

I love being in the studio. Expressing myself that way is really cool.

I always try to set a positive example for my generation and promote confidence.

Doing motivational speeches and stuff like that, that's always made me feel good.

God is so good. Always follow your dreams, own your Purpose! Embrace God's Anointing

I'm not a huge musical fan. It's like when people just jump out singing; it's not real.

I sometimes want to do totally different roles. I don't always want to play 'wholesome.'

I never try to be too sexy. People know when you're not comfortable and trying to be sexy.

I love Instagram! I like LaLa Anthony and Rihanna's photos. They always have great photos.

Often, kids don't appreciate the choices available, as if it's either the street or nothing.

I can dance. I like hip hop and stuff and jazz movements, but I'm horrible in ballet. I tried.

I work out. I'm getting toned, too. The Wii Fit really works your body. When I get off, I'm dying.

I don't belong to anyone else but myself. I have to make my own decisions. Happiness is defined by me.

I dont wish for anything. Wishing for a million dollars feels greedy. I just wish for the best for me.

I don't wish for anything. Wishing for a million dollars feels greedy. I just wish for the best for me.

I've done a lot of meditation studying on my own, but I've also taken a couple of transcendence classes.

I grew up in Chicago, but when I was 12, I came to New York because I was doing an episode of 'Law & Order.'

Corbin Bleu was my first kiss in life. I was 12, and he was, like, my first kiss for TV... It was on the lips!

I love music and I love acting. I always keep that in the forefront, not all the other distractions around me.

I want to present a very strong and bold image, but with femininity. I love being sweet and salty all together.

When you've been blessed, you have to share your gifts, and you also have to help others give their gifts away.

I think people should have fun. And don't get so down on yourself. Enjoy life and be the best person you can be.

I'm a little bit sillier than past Cinderellas... at least, I am so far. But it's only the second day into rehearsal!

Queen Latifah has been a huge part of my career. She has been a huge, huge part of my career since the very beginning.

Follow your heart's truth with no need for personal gain other than the feeling produced when doing what you truly love.

I would love to direct videos and that's what it keeps moving towards, but I have to stop being scared in order to do that.

If there's a certain song that I want to reach a certain person or certain type of person, that's when I play it for people.

I'm an actor. I have to play weird characters, quirky characters, strange characters, sometimes characters I don't understand.

Something that was instilled in me by my parents at a very young age is that there is no happy life without a life of service.

Whatever my situation is, I want to show that I'm not perfect, and perfect isn't real. The youth need to know that, especially.

You can do anything as long as you don't stop believing. When it is meant to be, it will be. You just have to follow your heart.

The one thing you absolutely need is the one thing you can never lose: God's presence and love for you. Just have to talk to him.

Urban Outfitters - I love it. It's almost like Forever 21, but for, like, the 24- to 25-year-old girl, getting a little bit older.

I feel like I've reached a point where music has become just as much a priority to me as my acting, and I'm glad to feel that way.

I think you can do anything you put your mind to. I think your mind is the worst thing you can use as a reason to not do something.

Some of my favorite style icons are Kate Moss and Rihanna, except I'm a little bit younger. I put a little bit more teenage into it.

If you focus more on the inside, you'll feel just as great about the outside. I feel attractive when I'm doing good and helping people.

You should never look at somebody and say, 'I wish I had their life,' because you never really know what struggles they're going through.

Someday I would really love to do a talk show. That's something I've always been interested in. I like to talk, and I love to help people.

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