No one wants dangerous criminals in our communities.

Police chiefs know a thing or two about public safety.

Seniority means nothing if you don't do anything with it.

I wouldn't have voted to prosecute 13-year-olds as adults.

I would never call our country the welfare system for Mexico.

California serves as our nation's cutting edge on many fronts.

There's always more employers can do to protect their employees.

California will not become a cog in the Trump deportation machine.

Hollywood is here to stay, and we have to keep the momentum going.

My mother, Carmen, cleaned houses and took care of elderly people.

I am not just a defender of the California Dream. I am a product of it.

I've been surrounded by strong, hardworking women like my mother all my life.

Equity and economic justice are now hardwired into all of our climate policies.

I think there's no such thing as free trade. I think there has to be fair trade.

I wouldn't have supported invoking Taft-Hartley to help George Bush end a strike.

It's incumbent on all of us to remember our history and not repeat our past sins.

Lawmakers must stand up for companies that choose public safety over profit margins.

We can't cross our fingers and hope that President Donald Trump can 'learn and change.'

I would never vote to allow federal agents to spy on American citizens without warrants.

Democrats are very good at governing. When it comes to messaging, I'm not too sure about.

California Democrats - we fight on the front lines - we don't equivocate on the sidelines.

Foreign relations should involve human rights, workers' rights, and environmental protection.

I try to deal with the poverty gap - to do policies for all of us rather than only for the wealthy.

While we need to provide leadership and stability to the world, we should do that through diplomacy.

The days of Democrats biding our time, biting our tongue, and triangulating at the margins are over.

My name is Kevin de Leon, and I am the president of the most progressive legislative house in America.

We speak truth to power, and we've never been fooled into believing Donald Trump 'can be a good president.'

Recycling more plastics can help local businesses and expand jobs while supporting the goals of sustainability.

Clean energy isn't just good for the planet; it's good for consumers' monthly utility bills and for the economy.

I think that many Californians have been accustomed to, have normalized, that being good sometimes is good enough.

We're planting trees to break up the concrete jungle. We're building public transportation and affordable housing.

California continues to pass the most ambitious laws in the world to expand clean energy and combat climate change.

Clean air shouldn't be a privilege dictated by where you can afford to live but a right to which we are all entitled.

We have proven that you can actually move strong, progressive policies, grow the economy, and improve the human condition.

Drafting local police into Trump's immigration crackdown undermines public safety and is a colossal waste of taxpayer dollars.

I am not delusional. Listen, I am not naive to the fact that people are not shouting my name all over the state of California.

As Democrats, we will never be fooled into believing that if we are patient enough, that Donald Trump could be a good president.

I don't like to move abstract theoretical policies that, on a white paper, sound good. If I wanted to do that, I'd be a professor.

The D.C. playbook is obsolete. It's time for the people of California to bring the agenda to Washington, not the other way around.

Thanks to policies mandating clean energy development, California's electric grid is one of the least carbon-intensive in the world.

When people see the healthful impact this is having and all the hard hats constructing, their minds may change about high-speed rail.

If we do high-speed rail, the governor has to be intelligent and invest the dollars at the 'bookends' - San Francisco and Los Angeles.

Addressing budget issues is usually a balancing act in which cuts are weighed against revenue increases to find the best solution for the state.

Domestic workers allow many people with disabilities to maintain independent, productive lives and live in their own homes - not in institutions.

In California, we celebrate our diversity. We celebrate who we are because we're proud of who we are; we're proud of where our families come from.

It is erroneous and profoundly irresponsible to suggest that up to three million undocumented immigrants living in America are dangerous criminals.

We carved it in stone: no matter the place of your birth or the hue of your skin, you can live in California in safety, dignity, and, yes, sanctuary.

The voice of Vin Scully has become the song of summer for generations of Los Angeles baseball fans and aficionados of excellence in sports broadcasting.

If I've learned one thing as a state leader, it's that California will never fulfill its truest potential if we wait for Washington to change on its own.

As the youngest child of a single immigrant mother with a third-grade education, I never thought in my wildest dreams that I'd ever be an elected official.

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