I always wanted to rebel.

It is fun to smash guitars.

Women are natural anarchists...

The last two records I liked playing a lot.

I still don't really feel like a bass player.

It's really hard for me to sing and play bass.

People pay to see others believe in themselves.

Rap music is really good when you're traumatized.

For me performing has a lot to do with being fearless.

Basketball and ping-pong are my two forms of exercise.

It's hard to write about a love story with a broken heart.

I mean, I don't even think of myself as a musician, really.

I just happened to start playing music for the conceptual ideas.

It's amazing how many things you can do when you're just pretending.

I like the adrenaline of playing improv - it makes me feel really calm.

Anyone becomes mannered if you think too much about what other people think

Clothes are signifiers and symbols of how people communicate with each other.

I really want to start playing basketball. I actually bought a new basketball.

I love the way Lady Gaga finds humour in fashion, but it's still very stylised.

At the end of the day, women are expected to hold up the world, not annihilate it.

Sometimes I think fashion is more of a conversation between men than it is for women.

If you don't fit into a certain type, there's a lot of strength in just being who you are.

Everyone's so interior now, they're not really looking around them. They're on their phones.

I really like Olivier Assayas filmmaking. He always has this global - economy thing going on.

I watch 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' with my daughter. We're very into Buffy and Buffy's friends.

I try not to think too much about what the audience is thinking and what they think I should do.

I really want to start playing basketball. Basketball and ping-pong are my two forms of exercise.

I tend to want to listen to melancholy music, but sometimes if you're feeling too sad, you can't.

I just think that playing bass, like punk rock bass with a pick, wasn't meant to be done for 25 years.

No one talks about woman power. The Spice Girls - they're masquerading as little girls. It's repulsive.

I'm a relatively shy person, but I love being challenged and putting myself in positions that are scary.

Unless you're singing something that's kind of in rhythm with the bass, the melodies, it's just difficult.

You know, we have our own audience, and it's not like - they just know we're not going to do certain things.

In rock music, people have certain assumptions that it makes people more enlightened, and it really doesn't.

But everything has been so gradual that it's sort of all come from, just hard work and basically being at it.

I'll leave a store if I hate the music. If it's just, like, techno, I feel like my brain is going to explode.

I love Northampton. As exciting and glamorous as New York can be, I'm always really relieved to get back there.

I've never been good with structure - doing assignments for the sake of them or doing things I'm supposed to do.

I was kind of freaked out by the art world in the 1980s. Just the money thing. All the competition over artists.

There's the added element of adrenaline if you're performing. You're aware of spatial relationships and the music.

I would be too self-conscious if I just thought of writing lyrics for a song. I have to trick myself into doing it.

I always think of baseball as so existential. Like, you're just out there in a field, in a big expanse of green grass.

I don't really feel comfortable anywhere except when I'm working alone at home. It's exhausting to be out around people.

L.A. prides itself on newness or being the last frontier or just not liking old things and tearing them down to build new things.

I'm really nostalgic for Malibu area because I've spent so much time there. People don't think of California as having a history.

I don't see myself as a rock star. I don't see myself in that way. I'm interested in work that offers some sort of critical dialogue.

I mean, who made up all the rules in the culture? Men-white male corporate society. So why wouldnt a woman want to rebel against that?

You can't be a strong or cool woman and be represented except in a harsh way, looking mean and cold and hard. It's like reverse sexism.

I feel most free onstage. The audience, it's an abstraction. You don't really see anyone out there, but you feel the audience inside you.

Many designers are gay men making clothes for women. Sometimes I think fashion is more of a conversation between men than it is for women.

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