By Tink's diaphram...!

Tinks titties Rache Jenks

the mad have a grace all their own

Have you been sniffing fairy farts?

You bet your Grannie's Panties I will.

Puppy presents on the rug. This sucked.

How many mistakes can one life survive?

You look like the vamp who bled the cat.

She smiled with the warmth of a penguin.

But I knew Nick. He was too ugly to die.

Trent and Ellasbeth did the nasty? Ewwww!

Anything worth having is going to be hard

But he's Rachel Candy!" -Both Jenks and Al

I got it this time, Daddy Warbucks," I said.

Oh for the sweet humpin' love of Tink! ~ Jenks

Just so you know, I’ve trusted you since camp.

For all his sourness, he was ruled by his heart.

Of course I’m shielding her, you broken feather!

You think my kids just popped out of the ground?

She's not your type. Since when do I have a type?


The cookie maker needs someone to look out for him.

What was it with me and organized beatings, anyway?

she had given me a piece of what made her life sane.

We were innocent once. How could it have gone so bad?

Nothing is so hard that it can't be found by searching.

She’s not much of a team player, more of a team yeller.

Maybe he thinks he can rescue me? No one is that stupid.

...Everyone had to eat, but eating people wasn't polite.

What are you?" I rasped. It smiled. "Whatever scares you.

Growing up is hard, love. Otherwise everyone would do it.

Like the end of a picnic, all the weenies will be roasted.

One person can't hold anything, but two can have the world.


I'll wait for you under the bluebells. I'll be there always.

It’s a cat. Boy, you couldn’t slip anything past me tonight.

A clipboard and a hard hat could get you just about anywhere.

Oh, I'm sorry. Did I interrupt some sort of dominance foreplay?

And I’m not spying! I’m evaluating!” “It’s the same difference!

Keep your vampire mitts off me. I'm not your friggin' blood toy.

I'd never seen a man who could outshop me, but Jenks was a master.

Coffee. I could smell coffee. Coffee would make everything better.

Making a spell is easy. It's trusting you did it right that's hard.

Rachel, what do you do? Put an ad in the paper for trouble? (Glenn)

Why aren't you afraid of me? I've seen my death, and you're not it.

Relief spilled into me. He wanted to live. He just didn't know how.

Come on, Rachel!" Jenks shrilled. "You're a badass, not a bad witch!

I said school starts tomorrow. I didn’t say I was going to be there.

Inside Junior's it was peaceful. I can change that, I thought dryly.

Rose to Rachel: You cry you get angry then you do something about it.

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