Salt Lake's got a cool vibe.

I'm still a fan of the Pixies!

I'm a basically decent person.

I've got too much fire in my blood.

You can tell a dumb guy a mile away.

I think real life is weirder than fiction.

I really can't categorize the Muffs music.

I wanted to play the drums, but I had no rhythm.

When people get older, they get bitter or get cute.

A lot of people accuse me of copying Courtney Love.

I hate it when songwriters go on and on with the same idea.

I like Dave Davies from the Kinks, before he could play slick.

I like clubs, I like sweat, I like people right up in my space.

I wasn't in any hurry to grow up and become this worldly person.

When I wanted to join the Pandoras, my mom had an anxiety attack.

I've been singing quieter because I live in a thin-walled apartment.

All the best bands have to have more than just one strong songwriter.

Honestly, it's hard to play with a lot of intensity night after night.

The Beatles were a huge influence on me to write really good melodies.

I like inventive melodies and chord changes, a little bit of creativity.

For a show, I can bear a little longer than 45 minutes, not including encores.

You can't have an ego when you're a team. One person can't really rule the roost.

I have that weird thing where, if someone confronts me, I just get as bold as possible.

I really liked the Sex Pistols when they came out and I thought they had a lot of melody.

I've actually said 'get off my grass' to people before. They were skateboarding on my grass!

I'm a huge fan of sing-songy lyrics and loud guitars. Whatever punk band does that gets a gold star!

The one thing about songwriting that's been consistent is that I do it for the love of a good melody.

I was going through a lot of upheavals in my brain. The only way I could really get stuff out was to write songs.

I am a perfectionist and the only reason why I started producing is because I didn't want to argue with a producer.

People that don't talk are constipated. I'm sorry, but if you can't communicate, what do you have? You have nothing.

People get sucked into being so show-bizy. I mean this is show biz, but I just can't do anything that's not in my DNA.

When I first wanted to play guitar it was because I had seen Brian Setzer. He's so good! I mean I was just blown away.

One thing I learned is that I don't want to be in an all-girl band again. Besides, most of my friends are guys, anyway.

I'm not an amazing engineer; I'm just super basic. I'm pretty cavalier about it - I stick the mic wherever it sounds good.

The whole idea of doing an album is overwhelming sometimes. But, I get inspired when I get inspired and that's when it flows easily.

People say I sound a lot like the Ramones and it's probably because I'm influenced by the same '60s groups, but I was never a strict Ramones fan.

I grew up around religious and elevator music. I didn't know any better, so I just thought music was kind of bland. So I didn't listen to much as kid.

Heavy metal is the enemy. Everybody but me keeps going back and forth between metal and punk, but I'm narrow-minded and a purist. I'd never mess with it.

I've always had something turning in my brain. And it got to a point where I felt it was stupid to let some of the tunes die. So I began putting them down on paper.

Sadly, it runs in my damn family, and that disease is a mystery to just about every scientist! We are definitely interested in finding a cure for ALS! Cure it already!

The Pandoras began as a '60s punk group. Then they went pop, then metal. When they went metal, I quit because I hate heavy metal music and I wanted to write my own songs.

When people hear sing-songy melodies, they think the lyrics will be nice, too. I guess there's a depressing or psychotic side to my personality that pops out in the lyrics.

Sometimes I'll go without writing for a while and I'll start to be driven nuts. I start doubting my writing ability. So I'll sit down and a dozen songs will pop out. It's fun.

I really like the cute Beatles, the beginning. I don't really like the moustached Beatles very much. And then the hippie Beatles I'm not super-thrilled with, although they had good songs.

I got sick and tired of hearing bands that didn't mean anything to me. I mean, there are some bands out there that are good, but if you want to hear stuff you want to hear, you got to do it yourself.

It was only later that I found out there was good '70s rock like the Raspberries and the Flaming Groovies. I always gravitated toward the '60s music more, though, like the Kinks, the Who and the Beatles, of course.

I had heard a live show, where my voice didn't sound the way I wanted to hear it and I got paranoid. I'm not an amazing singer, I just belt it out in this crappy old way, but for a while I had it in my head that I couldn't sing.

I always liked really heavy guitar music, but didn't like the long-winded songs that went with it. And I always liked pop songs, but was driven nuts because the guitars were so wimpy sounding. So I decided to put the two together. That's how the Muffs started.

I'm glad we're not splattered all over MTV, because I don't think that's entirely the right way to go about building a career. Look at Green Day - they were built up - and then came crashing down. The overexposure is just too much of a burnout for most people.

I love having the control over the end result and not having to go through some committee to get something approved. I feel sorry for people, like actors, because unless you're Woody Allen or Mel Gibson, they don't have much say in the decisions that affect their work.

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