Messi is just great.

Beating Madrid is not impossible.

It's no secret that Ajax is my club.

I don't regret my choice to sign for Milan.

From Real, I keep the affection of their supporters.

I never felt that AC Milan had full confidence in me.

I can play with everyone, also with Robin van Persie.

When the spaces are small, the crosses have to be good.

I'm more than ready if the national team coach needs me.

Cristiano Ronaldo is good, but Messi is 10 times better.

League titles do not get claimed in November or December.

I don't really care about statistics from other attackers.

I will not leave Milan until I have demonstrated my worth.

I am not moving to some club in the desert, China or Turkey.

Anything is possible in football and every match is different!

All I can do is continue to do my utmost and hope for the best.

Portugal away is a great match. Even when it's just a friendly.

You can score against any 'keeper, no goalkeeper is a superman.

Every derby is special, especially the atmosphere on the stands.

When you manage to achieve something, it gives you great pleasure.

When I was younger my idols were Marco van Basten and Ruud Gullit.

There are so many clubs that have shown an interest in my services.

Milan - the club and the city - is a very special place for us Dutch.

We can't focus too much on the opponent, we have to focus on ourselves.

My goals are to be the Bundesliga top scorer and to win the Europa League.

If I play well for Holland, I am sure that I will have my chance for Milan.

Being part of the Dutch national team is about unity and not about rivalry.

Madrid are a great club with some fantastic people and I used to play there.

If the opponent can score 10 goals, then we need to change something quickly.

Playing in a World Cup or in a European Championships is like a dream come true.

The important thing is always to be sharp and score when the opportunity arises.

The Bernabeu is a fantastic stadium, probably the best stadium I have ever played.

The fans in Germany are very passionate and the Bundesliga is an excellent league.

We always have respect for our opponents, but we will try to enforce our own game.

It would be great to play in England. The atmosphere in the stadiums is incredible.

Messi can get around his opponent in just a square meter. Ronaldo needs more space.

I know the football and the training in Italy are different to Spain, but I'm ready.

It is good to be a striker for the Dutch team; the way the Oranje play suits me best.

I tried not to let all the criticism affect me, but it obviously does not go unnoticed.

Playing in a big tournament is one of the biggest things for a professional footballer.

I've always been a big Ajax fan. It is not very strange - my whole family supports Ajax.

I really like playing football, but I have four kids and there are so many fun things to do.

Sometimes you get hit on the nose and nothing happens, then you get hit and something breaks.

I'm someone who has grown physically at a later age, I was always one of the smallest players.

I was hoping for a little more faith in me following my performances after the 2010 World Cup.

In Italy it is far more difficult than in Spain, where teams are not that attentive in defence.

My only objective is to train hard and hopefully get a chance to play, and take it with both hands.

Naturally, you always want to play, but it's about being successful - no matter how this is achieved.

It was very special to score goals for Real Madrid, especially in front of the home crowd at the Bernabeu.

You go to tournaments to win and when you actually lift the prize, you feel tremendous pride and happiness.

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