My drag name was Revvlon.

I wanted to be a guitar player.

I really wasted a lot of time in my 20s.

I have no difficulty with career duality!

Most of the clubbing I did was gay clubbing.

I'm a massive 'WoW' nerd, and gamer in general.

I always say, the darker the scene, the more fun it is.

I was a total metal-head as a teen. I still love it, too.

When I was a kid, I was obsessed with Thor. I had a hammer.

I keep explaining this to people: I can do more than one thing.

With 'World of Warcraft,' I like the potential for wasting time.

I play music for people all over the world. It's a huge privilege.

I'm not saying I'm the bee's knees. But I am a legitimate musician.

I'm a really big fan of meeting the fans. It's great to get feedback.

I did some musical theater and studied a little bit of acting as well.

I think if everyone had a little more Hodor in them, it'd be a nicer world.

I haven't read more than two pages, but my mother is a George Martin super fan.

It's an actor's dream to only have one line, and people like him, so I'm really lucky.

I could never see myself playing a goblin or gnome, without some serious CGI at least!

My first musical dream was to be a guitar player, and believe me, it's still in there.

This is what really makes me happy: the whole story of 'Warcraft' and the lore behind it.

I was quite a shy person growing up, and drag was very much a shield for me to perform behind.

I don't see the benefit in giving yourself a belief system that allows you to judge other people.

In all honesty, when you talk about 'the gay community,' you are talking about my community, haha.

I don't see why people are so concerned at what other people do behind closed doors or in their lives.

'Game of Thrones' was a game-changer for Northern Ireland. There's going to be a massive gap when it goes.

I like to go out for dinner in Belfast with my friends, I like to work on the house. I like working on music.

I never thought people would be remotely interested in my silly little life, but I'm really glad that they are.

I've never given a damn. A seven-foot man who dresses as a woman as a job is not interested in what other people think.

I never stopped DJing through the entire 'Game of Thrones' process. I never saw the need to stop because I do love it so much.

I always have to have the new gadgets and stuff when they come out. I'm not really interested enough in learning how they work.

I've done fairly well as a performer and a DJ in the U.K., so 'Game of Thrones' really just opened up a whole new market for me.

I trained to become a sign-language interpreter because it helps you read physical expression and the emotions of body language.

I'm quite investigative. Believe it or not, my mum and dad were in the police, and I sort of like to read into things and stuff.

I was always very into heavy metal, and heavy metal is full of emotion and extremes, and I think that's the same in dance music.

Although I have been performing in all sorts of ways and roles since childhood, 'GoT' is my first proper venture onto the screen.

I actually started off - believe it or not - doing drag. I travelled the world because I was a completely off-the-wall drag artist.

The Raves of Thrones parties started in Australia and has since spread all over the world. However, no one does it like the Aussies.

Taller people get very competitive. When I meet someone who's close to me or taller, I'm straight up; I don't wanna be smaller than them.

I played with local bands and ended up touring with Scissor Sisters, Mylo, Alphabeat, and Calvin Harris. That somehow changed into DJ'ing.

There's no one else like Hodor on 'Game of Thrones.' There's no other character with that warmth, humanity, and a little bit of comic relief.

I recognise that, while I was fortunate enough to grow up without any discrimination or stigma attached at all, other people haven't been so lucky.

I had an upbringing to respect other people's privacy and their right to be and choose what they want, and I expect - no, demand - no less for myself.

Obviously, there's so many different types of gay people, but some people don't know that. Some people think we all look and act a certain type of way.

I think that's why 'Game of Thrones' is such a watercooler talking point: because there are these moments that are beautiful and terrible at the same time.

I would relish a role that really shows a bit of background into how the bad guy got the way he is... a little more complex than cackling behind a hooded cloak.

I sorta worked out a few years ago that one of my favorite things to do in 'World of Warcraft' is look for things, to just spend the time flying around searching.

I grew up with the British-Chicago crossover of house music with a lot of pianos and very heavy bass lines, but what I love about house is you can mix it up a bit.

When I started 'Game of Thrones,' the first three seasons, I still DJ'd every night before I went on set. I'd finish DJing at 3 A.M. and have to be on set at 5 A.M.

To play this iconic character from this historically wonderful series of books - who wouldn't take that opportunity and be happy about it? I'm happy to be Hodor forever.

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