I'm definitely scared by commitment.

I've written pilots. I wrote a movie.

I try to put a positive spin on things.

I'm very into dresses, shoes, and makeup.

I was always an outcast, even in my family.

If they want to do a 'Defenders 2,' I'm in.

If I'm not working, I don't even put makeup on.

I'm from a small town, a farm, a hundred acres.

I read the entire 'Alias' series. I devoured them.

My parents actually wanted me to join the service.

I've always been very positive and very resilient.

My first audition was for a Dr. Pepper commercial.

My favorite part of 'Jessica Jones' is... all of it.

I was always loud and obnoxious and giggly and funny.

I'm a weirdo. I don't leave the house unless I have to.

For solace, I love a book that opens up my perspective.

Besides boutiques, I love H&M. Affordable and adorable.

I like to be stylish and edgy, but also low maintenance.

You always want your work to be seen as long as it's good.

Marvel and Netflix have proven they know what they're doing.

With 'Jessica Jones,' I'm in almost every frame of the show.

I understand the feelings of being the outcast and the loner.

I hope to someday have a fully functioning production company.

I'm not conventional. I try to be raw and vulnerable and gross.

I've been bouncing around from comedy to drama and TV and film.

I am sarcastic and dry, but I also have a pretty huge zest for life.

I don't have a lot of clothes or a lot of possessions to bog me down.

'Sharp Objects' is honestly one of my most exciting reading experiences.

I'm the only person in the entire world who has never see 'Dawson's Creek.

I'm the only person in the entire world who has never see 'Dawson's Creek.'

I have such a crush on Tony Robbins and his passion, empathy, and sheer talent.

If someone says, 'I love 'Jessica Jones!'' I just say, 'Thanks, I love you back!'

I believe in women having a voice, being empowered, speaking up, and having ideas.

My Instagram is basically all knitting, my dog, and a little bit of 'The Defenders.'

I encourage girls to lean in, use your brain, get in there, get in the conversation.

I live in Los Angeles, mostly, and have a lot of girlfriends and a full life out here.

It's hard to always be reduced to the way you look or your sex appeal or what that is.

It's rare to get a part in a show that's greenlit, let alone two shows that have been greenlit.

When you go to Marvel, they lock you in a room with the scripts; they really are that secretive.

My favorite acting books are Stella Adler's 'The Art of Acting' and 'Sanford Meisner on Acting.'

I'm sort of missing that part of my brain where I look at anything as a challenge. I always have.

The portrayal of post-traumatic stress disorder and things like that felt really big and important.

Every day, you try something new. So I just try to keep myself healthy physically and nutritionally.

Jessica Jones is such a great part, and I do serious work on it. I feel really creatively fulfilled.

If you really want something, you've gotta just do it and not wait for other people to hand it to you.

I love Tina Fey because she acts and she writes and she's hilarious and does a lot of different things.

If it's a good audition, whether or not I think I'm going to get the part, I do always say yes to going.

It's hard to fight in high heels or even jeans that are too tight. You can't kick in skinny, skinny jeans.

When I moved back to New York, I saw a lot of girls knitting on the subway, and it had a bit of a comeback.

When I watch shows, what I gravitate to is serial. You need to come back, you need to know what's happening.

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