Nothing dumb ever starts out stupid.

Sometimes my skating allows me to do things I never dreamed possible.

There are only so many skaters like Brian Orser. Nobody is going to just step into his shoes.

Michael Weiss and Todd Eldredge and I all competed against each other. Even though Im older than them, we did cross over a little bit.

Michael Weiss and Todd Eldredge and I all competed against each other. Even though I'm older than them, we did cross over a little bit.

Four world titles is a good swath at the top of the podium. The Olympics didn't work out for a couple of reasons, but it feels good when people say 'four world titles.'

I continued a legacy of great skating from this country and I was able to capitalize on the reputation of the Canadian skaters that came before me. I especially mean Brian Orser.

I love how my sport reaches out to people with the music and story lines, the glory of standing up for three or four minutes of tough, arduous, gravity-defying skating and all the stuff that goes with it.

Doing shows is always a side of skating that I've loved, it's the performing. I get to do that without the pressure, it's always fun between the skaters and the preparation, the show is always so much fun.

I have been performing and touring and doing shows all over the world. But it's really something special to get back on the U.S. cast of 'Stars on Ice.' It's something I let go because of family commitments.

What I really wanted was to perform. So if it took four world titles or one Olympic medal, I just wanted so badly to be able to perform. So it doesn't hinder me sleeping at night that I don't have an Olympic medal.

All those hours spent alone on the rink is where a skater's strength comes from. That's where a standing ovation starts and if you don't want to be there, it is going to show. Nothing you dreamed about is going to happen if you forget why you started in the first place. You have to skate with you heart. Before anyone can believe in you, you have to believe in yourself.

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