I like road-course racing.

Fair is fair; all love is war.

I have a truck team for a reason.

Racing is work, so that's not a hobby.

I've never been very good at slowing down.

Toyota is competitive in anything they do.

I'll tell you what, this is a humbling sport.

You pretty much know as a driver what too fast is.

I would say I'm too guilty of dwelling on things too long.

There's no better feeling that celebrating in Victory Lane.

Anytime you come to a short track you want to see a great race.

I go out there to do my best week in and week out to win races.

Sometimes people forget just how closely MWR and JGR work together.

I try to keep at least one or two of my firesuit designs every year.

Obviously, you have to have some luck on your side to be successful.

On a par 5, I can shoot a six. And on a par 3, I can shoot a six, too!

I'm a big Eminem fan, so I like listening to him. My wife doesn't, though.

For me I'm a NASCAR driver, and I want to be able to win NASCAR championships.

I like good Mexican food, and there's not a lot of that around North Carolina.

When I was coming up through the ranks, I won a lot - and probably won too much.

I'd take winning the championship over winning a Chase race any day of the week.

Sometimes people aren't happy with the way life treats them. That's their problem.

I'll pretty much eat anything. Tacos, chicken, vegetables, whatever, I will eat it.

I remember most all of my devoted fans, the ones who have been fans for a long time.

It feels awesome to outrun anybody, but to outrun your older brother always feels good.

I hear a lot of people who say they enjoy watching the road course races over the ovals.

Don't matter what I do, what I say, how much I try to change. You don't change perception.

Ray Evernham and Jeff Gordon and people in the garage area always put so much stake into me.

I guess people don't like me for getting as upset as I am sometimes when I lose, but that's me.

I think if you're a race car driver you want to succeed and be the best in your realm of racing.

My dream car is a Saleen S7. It's made by Saleen in California; it's basically America's Ferrari.

It's fun to be the guy that can be so polarising and have that effect on so many different people.

I would say people are most going to remember me for my skill on the racetrack, first and foremost.

A good driver can make up for bad equipment way more than a good car could make up for a bad driver.

You can be as good as you can be behind the wheel physically, but you've also got to be there mentally.

My dad certainly has an eye for talent and he did something right getting his sons to the top of NASCAR.

I love Lowe's Motor Speedway, that's in Charlotte - that's my favorite track. I love going there. It's fun.

I hate that you get beat up so much about an accomplishment, but I guess that's part of life. Haters gonna hate.

There's definitely guys out there that you don't like, and they'll try to crash you anytime they can't get around you.

I have taken restarts and have come to the conclusion myself that I can't give NASCAR that opportunity to penalize me.

My first paycheck came from HobbyTown USA in Las Vegas. They had like planes and trains and RC cars, things like that.

I had a great teacher in my brother and my dad, and to be able to follow Kurt's footsteps has helped out a whole bunch.

My favorite was Jeff Gordon. I just followed him growing up because I started watching racing when he came on the scene.

My fans are great and amazing, but there's no way all of my fans are going to be able to fill up Bristol Motor Speedway.

We put fate in other people's hands there at Talladega. You have 42 other racers and sometimes it doesn't work out for you.

Once you're a NASCAR champion, you're kind of in another elite division instead of just being a competitor or a race winner.

Having a cellphone in your pocket, you can get anything you want anytime you want it. Right then and there, boom, you have it.

I've been to Foxboro, I've been to Gillette Stadium and I've spent some time with the players as well as some of the fans out there.

Ever since I've jumped in a Legends or Dwarf car, I've always tried to win. I've been able to win in every race car I've ever driven.

I don't know why my success has been greater in XFINITY cars than it has been in Cup cars. It's the exact opposite for Jimmie Johnson.

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