I am hungry for titles.

I do not chase after the records.

Bondy is a city that breathes football.

I don't want to be a copy of anyone else.

I love coaches that just talk about football.

If the team needs you, you need to sacrifice.

Playing with Neymar is something extraordinary.

Neymar is a superstar, much more of star than me.

Cristiano Ronaldo, Messi and Neymar are phenomenal.

I am a very, very lucky player, a privileged player.

I've always said the World Cup is a dream for any player.

I am happy, and I am living the life I always dreamed of.

You can't sit around and do nothing, you have to carry on.

The personal stats are good, but the collective is better.

Football goes fast but it can go quickly in both directions.

We must always set the bar high, otherwise we do not progress.

When we make the effort for each other, it makes the difference.

I get up in the morning and I go to practice like everyone else.

As long as an attacker creates opportunities, everything is fine.

For me, the Parc was a place where I came when I had pocket money!

French football must go as far as possible in the Champions League.

Learning is fine, but you also have to win - you only have one career.

I want to specify that I pay my own taxes in France, for all my income.

Nobody will write in your contract that you have the assurance to play.

We try not to let pressure get into our heads and play the way we usually do.

I dreamed of becoming a world champion, I dreamed of becoming France's champion.

For me, football is more than a sport, just look at the impact it has on society.

For me, the Parc des Princes is special, somewhere I'd go to spend my pocket money.

A great team relies on its leaders and they have to make a difference at key moments.

I would like my celebrity to serve charity purposes, and to help people less well off.

When I was younger, there were players who gave me pleasure, and now I'm in that role.

Like the greats, you want to make your own story yourself, and not be a copy of another.

Individual trophies, I have quite a lot right now at home, but there will never be enough.

Real Madrid is a club where you have to go when you are mature and at the top of your game.

The Champions League is very difficult and you need to keep your concentration at all times.

Becoming a good player so quickly made me miss a lot of the normal life of a normal teenager.

In football, everything is possible, from the moment you work and you believe in your qualities.

I try to work to improve myself every day and I try to do on the pitch what I do during the training sessions.

I always assume that one day someone will come and try to do better so you always have to go beyond your limits.

When you retire, people don't look at how good you became. They look at what you've won. We remember the winners.

The most important thing is to win the Champions League because you can win the Ballon d'Or and not stay in history.

There is no bad time to laugh. I always joke, even five minutes before a game. It's not bad to stay a little immature.

I did not have the moments of so-called normal people during adolescence, like going out with friends, enjoying good times.

Number 7 is a legendary number, many great players who have worn it. I hope I could do credit in the field with this number.

I have learned that the biggest stars and the greatest players are the most humble ones, the ones who respect people the most.

Football is a sport that you play with a team and I think if you want to win the Ballon d'Or, you have to win the Champions League.

We have given ourselves the means of our ambitions, and in football, when we give ourselves the means, it is always less difficult.

I want to win the Champions League first. If I can win the Ballon d'Or, okay, but my objective is to win the Champions League first.

PSG is an ambitious club that wants to be the best in the world. So you have to win all the competitions and leave no room for doubt.

So, individually, my goal is to score a lot of goals and help Neymar. He can help us raise a lot of trophies, so we have to take care of him.

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