I think I've gotten really good at putting on lashes. I can do it with my hand while people need tweezers or something to put them on.

It's just all about the multi-hyphenate now. No one's just doing one thing. Even working actors have businesses and are entrepreneurs.

I think being independent gives you a different confidence about yourself. It gives you more power, especially in certain relationships.

When I moved to Los Angeles to be on the radio, there was an acting school on every corner. You can't be in L.A. and not be into acting.

I definitely don't feel like I'm what Hollywood thinks of when they think of a Latina actress at all. They can't wrap their minds around it.

I just feel like so many people see you do one thing and they feel like that's all you can do. It's always just do this and stay in your lane.

I think that's why I was able to go so far in my life and career - because my mom always supported me, even when I had the craziest ideas ever.

For breakfast, I usually like to do either a protein shake if I'm rushing out the door, or egg whites and turkey bacon are also a go-to for me.

I have mountains of the blue Neutrogena makeup wipes in the bottom of the cabinet in my bathroom. It is all you see. We order them by the caseload.

There are so many high-end body lotions. I just stick to cocoa butter. It works, I like how it smells, my skin is really dry and it helps with that.

I'm all about trying to help others out there and giving the best advice based on my experiences - so if I can continue to do that, I'm really happy.

I like to do my contour the bronzy kind of way so it is not too strong and you can see the highlights on the cheekbones. I use bronzer as my contour.

If you walk out of the house and you feel like you look good, it changes the way you walk into a room. It changes your attitude and it changes your vibe.

Tailgating is going to the game, homegating is celebrating at home. So you bring in the apparel, the T-shirts, the accessories to kinda make your home feel cool.

I definitely had to take a lot of direction from stylists and make up artists and hair stylists, because I'm very much more of a sweat pants and sneakers kind of girl.

I love Will Smith and Jada Pinkett. You see the love, and you can see the support, and they partner on things and produce together. But she has a life, and he has a life.

I've had jeans I liked a lot of things about, but then there would be one thing I didn't like, whether it was the bottom not being fitted enough or the top squeezed you too much.

In New York, I can be a little edgier - I'll wear sneakers, combat boots, jeans. In L.A., I don't go as far. I find myself taking more of a risk when it comes to style in New York.

I went through that phase where I shaved the entire side of my head off - I actually love the way it looks, but it doesn't really work when you're walking into a room for an audition.

My grandfather was extremely dark and from Puerto Rico, but his brother had blond hair and blue eyes. There are so many different shades, and I think Hollywood has yet to realize that.

I see myself stepping more heavily into the producing world. I like having that control, and being in control so to speak, and being part of picking great material and bringing it to life.

Whenever I do Zoom teeth whitening my teeth 'zing' so bad. They're so sensitive. But I just put this on my toothbrush with water and scrub hard. It doesn't taste like anything and it works!

I was told MTV VJs have no career after MTV, and I'm like, that's never going to be me. I was always about not feeding into the negativity and proving to people that I can do more than one thing.

It was life-changing to be in high school and be on the radio. But it was a heavy schedule. There are some times I would work 2 A.M. to 6 A.M. and get off and go right to school. So it was really crazy but it was worth it.

Comfort is important. I wanna put jeans on and kind of forget about them unless someone is giving me a compliment on how they look. You don't want to be fussing all day, especially as a working woman or a mom running around with kids.

If you feel good about yourself on the inside, that's gonna show to people. I don't think it's all about makeup and hair and how you dress. I think it's more of an inner thing and how you feel about yourself and that's ultimately what will shine through no matter what.

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