Marriage is hard.

I definitely pray.

My son is my best friend.

My eyes change colors - weird!

I actually speak Spanish fluently.

Anytime you look good, you feel good.

I'm a gambler and love slot machines.

I pray every morning and night before bed.

I'm very forthcoming, I'm really expressive.

I love Rihanna's products from Fenty Beauty.

I'm terrified of mice or any type of rodent.

A fancy lotion is always a great gift for Mom!

In business, you cannot be afraid to ask questions.

If you smell good, you feel good, and your day's fabulous.

There's no gift more classic and more beautiful than roses.

My whole family cooks and I'm in charge of setting the vibes.

Being independent opens the doors to so many other things for you.

There's not a single person who loves Nestle Crunch more than I do.

I don't think there's anyone that's more beautiful than Halle Berry.

I'm always down to switch up my scents and love discovering new products.

You can have a passion for something, but you still have to pay the bills.

When you're in this world, you don't get to pick and choose what you go through.

I have a trainer. I love to do regular weight training, and I love to do boxing.

In the house, I have a drawer that's just filled with Carmex. It's just my thing.

Whatever's meant to be, will be. I'm a firm believer in that and I'll make it work.

I had to know that for me to be successful in all aspects of my life, I have to work.

Having my name on a cosmetics line has always been a dream, one I'm excited to share.

The industry just hasn't been thinking outside the box when it comes to Latina women.

There's many sides to a coin and one person can in fact do a lot of different things.

That's what's great about my circle of friends is we all really look out for each other.

I feel so many times with clothing lines, they don't talk to women to see what they want.

I'm a believer in finding a passion, hard work and definitely not giving up on your dream.

I learned that life is filled with ups and downs and it's just about how you react to them.

I want to expand what I do and definitely focus a little more in the acting, theater world.

I'm someone that's a hard worker and takes their job seriously and gives it all they've got.

I have great family and friends who constantly uplift me and make me feel good about myself.

There are some careers where hands-on experience means so much more than the book work of it.

I carry Caress Body Wash in Tempting Whisper to clean my hands. The scent lasts throughout the day!

I proved to myself that I can overcome a lot of things that probably would have broken some people.

As a mom, I know how important it is for my son Kiyan to stay healthy so he doesn't miss school days.

My wallet is full of change. I'm like, Why is this bag so heavy? Oh, yeah. It's the $100 in quarters!

When I go to these auditions, I feel like I have to prove myself 10 times over... acting is a challenge.

When you walk into a room and you're asking someone to give you money to finance an idea, that's never easy.

We moms are beautiful both with and without makeup, but I always love classic colors I can mix with anything.

Makeup is great, but you need to make sure you take it off at the end of the night - sleeping with it on is bad.

You definitely have to find your passion in life, and then put together a plan to figure out a way to fulfill that.

My mom just always taught me to let people live, let people be who they are without restrictions, without limitations.

I think people can read authenticity and they know when you're involved and when you're just slapping your name on something.

There's a lot of jewelry in my bag. It's great because if a bracelet is bothering me or I want a midday change, I switch to another.

That is my priority, that my son is healthy and happy. I will do whatever I can to ensure that, and my husband is the exact same way.

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