I like men of substance.

I don't think I'm better than anyone else.

I just want a nice guy who loves me and who I love.

I am a sport. And I don't have a chip on my shoulder.

We know that the British public are obsessed with class.

I left my husband and I thought 'I'm never dating ever again.'

If the right man came along I would be prepared to marry again.

Nobody chooses where they're born. And, of course, I would know.

In France, I am just Madame Campbell. In Jamaica, nobody uses my title.

It's so nice to see that one's opinion of humanity is accurately gauged.

I think it's a flawed philosophy to believe impunity when it's inappropriate.

I'm sorry if you're partly black you're partly black. You're not fully black.

My mother was a terrible narcissist and I could well have turned out like her.

My mother was a professional beauty. She played the vamp for all it was worth.

I like hugging who I like to hug and I want to be hugged by whom I want to hug.

You know what men are like when they want to get married, they want to get married.

Tony Hadley is a big Conservative. He is desperate to become a Lord. He's jealous of me.

I like having fun, but the most important thing is to be as good a person as you can be.

I like nice people, I don't like nasty people, but I like somebody that's not a pushover.

Having had so many human rats in my life, I don't think I'm scared of the animal variety.

I'm living proof that whatever happens to you in life, you can turn base metal into gold.

I was brought up in Jamaica when people had to occupy themselves and entertain each other.

Nobody can be happy all the time, and if you aim to be, ultimately you will never be happy.

I have never slept in a bed with anybody. Even when I was married we slept in separate beds.

I'm really sorry, but I'm not prepared to jeopardize my life for the entertainment industry.

I will not put up with bullying and harassment - certainly not after the experiences I've had.

I have been proposed to a few times. I haven't counted how many, a little bit more than one hand?

You can't go around telling people what a monster your mother was on a day to day basis. It's unseemly.

I would go into the 'Big Brother' house for £5million. That is how much I would ask for if they want me.

You don't lose the regard of not only a nation but of an international community and regain it overnight.

I could not have known Colin Campbell would turn out to be the debased, cruel monster he turned out to be.

Honours can generate a lot of income for the nation because they are viewed as so prestigious internationally.

Diana, whatever her failings, was not into making money, or as Harry and Meghan put it, financial independence.

I grew up in a wealthy upper-class household in Jamaica, which was run along militaristic lines by my mother, Gloria.

I think that we have strayed into very dangerous territory where people are not allowed to express a negative opinion.

I'm just one tiny speck on this earth and I am always mindful of the fact that other people have rights and interests.

I don't indulge in the luxury of feeling when necessity requires that we meet a target. One just bucks up and does it.

My father insisted that each of us have a career. His family were refugees and he understood the vicissitudes of fortune.

I'm not two-faced, I'm honest, and I tell it the way it is. And I'm not good at hypocrisy, pretending to be someone I'm not.

It is actually unbelievable that somebody would be deprived of his livelihood for expressing an opinion that he's entitled to.

In my life, being true to myself certainly hasn't made things easier. You could never accuse me of taking the path of least resistance.

When I was a young woman, my looks attracted a lot of compliments. My mother, however, could not share attention with any other human being.

My mother became a big problem... She was a complete narcissist. When I broke free her narcissisticness came out and it was tough to get out.

Once you realise you're carrying around lots of pain, I think go to therapy so you release yourself. You don't want to be a problem bore, poor me.

If you know anything about writing biographies, or what is regarded as a good biography, you have minimum input from the person you are writing about.

From when we were about seven we worked in our family store during the holidays. My father said it was important that we know where our money came from.

In our world marriage was the best option for any woman. No girl ever chose to have a career unless she couldn't get a man. It was very much a tertiary life.

Let's be clear about what an oik is, it is somebody from humble circumstance who behaves like trash. I am friends with many people from humble circumstances.

My mother was related to four of Jamaica's oldest families, and to say merely that she was out of the top drawer would not convey the quality of her breeding.

I've always been maternal and Russia was a country where it's possible to adopt infants - my English social worker told me not even to waste my time trying here.

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