Oh, my God, I love pasta.

I love 'The Devil Wears Prada.'

Oh, in high school, I wore a uniform!

Dancing is so brutally taxing on your body.

Of course I had hundreds of crushes on boys!

People want to laugh. People want to feel good.

I'm a vegetarian, so I have a huge fear of blood.

I loved working with Janel Parrish and Anna Cathcart.

I could've gone to prom... or I could've done 'X-Men.'

Iron Man is my most favorite human, character, person in the world.

I have read the 'Divergent' series. I obviously read 'Harry Potter.'

I love adult thrillers and murder mysteries and everything like that.

When I was a kid, I honestly never thought about race. I didn't see differences.

In my experience, I've loved all races. It's not like I can only be with my people.

I like to do yoga because it centers me and makes me realize truly what's important.

I don't think we should be stuck to only loving people based on what they look like.

Casting directors will often say that they are open to any ethnicity, but they're not.

My parents always wanted me to learn about my culture and tried to make me eat Vietnamese food.

Life's too short. Don't be afraid to love and then keep loving and keep loving and doing more loving.

People in Hollywood defer to what they know, which is a white lead, particularly in romantic comedies.

This is going to sound so cliche, but I believe this through and through: Don't be afraid to be yourself.

I was born in Vietnam, and I was adopted by an Irish lady and a Hungarian man, and then I moved to America.

I think that's very important, that a friend makes you laugh, and you're just giddy around them all the time.

Yoga, working out, go to class, group settings where you can't be on your phone, that's a great way to unplug!

YA, I feel, is so accurate to what it is like be a teenager and the realities of being a teenager and being in love.

The way 'TATB' depicts race, and how it normalizes our differences, is actually one of the things I am most proud of.

I always have moments on set where I think, 'Oh my God, this is my life right now.' And it could've been so different.

Hollywood screwed up in the past. They made Asians the other - a separate group that could only hang out with each other.

I've been very fortunate to have good people in my life, and when you find good people, you gotta hold onto them real tight.

I wash my face with Boscia's charcoal cleanser because I think it cleanses really well. And then I spray my face with witch hazel.

No one writes each other letters anymore, but I think there's something so special about receiving a really heartfelt letter, still.

I grew up on 'Spongebob.' If I had known there was an even better cartoon out there like 'X-Men,' you best believe I would have grown up on that.

If I wasn't acting, I would want to be in the food and restaurant business. I really love to cook and am fascinated by the art of cooking in general.

It's so refreshing when I walk in and see a bunch of Asian actresses all competing for the same role because it makes me feel like I have a genuine shot.

I truly believe the reason why there is a demand for rom-coms is because humans, whether its conscious or subconscious, have a need to feel happy and to see love.

When I first started auditioning, I was so, dare I say, desperate and hungry for a job that I pretty much went out for anything my agents sent me with a few exceptions.

I have written a lot of love letters to the people that I love in my life. It's sweet to be able to keep that, like a tangible letter, and I want to give that to people.

I love educating myself on different cultures' dishes and foods that are important and celebrated within that culture. I also think food brings people together. It's unifying!

What if the Internet breaks tomorrow? Then you'd realize that you're a human being, and you're not validated by what other people think of you - it's how you think of yourself.

My background is in dance, but as soon as I found acting and realized that I could entertain people, not just with my body but with what comes out of my mouth, I was into that.

When I have a lot of emotion going on, I'll write. I write letters to my family, my boyfriend, anyone I'm trying to get my point across to. It's easier for me to express myself.

In middle school, I did the whole, like, 'Do you like me? Check this box yes, check this box no,' I did that to so many crushes; I always got in trouble for passing notes in school.

I like to make people feel more comfortable, and it's great to have this platform and be able to shed light on adoption and how it's a beautiful thing, instead of being tiptoed around.

Being an actor is hard. It's so true... auditioning is literally our full-time job, and then, if we are so lucky to book the project were auditioning for, then that project is our play.

I think there's a misconception that all Asian-American experiences are the same. My experiences with my family and the way they wanted me to know my culture are not the same as others.

Education is the most powerful tool for everything but certainly to create opportunities for yourself, and I know that not everyone has the privilege of an education like here in America.

One time, I went bodysurfing in St. Bart's with a friend. The waves were so intense, and my body was just getting torn up by them. But it was so freeing... but also I'm never doing that again.

I have this big, old, oversize Levi's denim jacket, and I honestly think it might be for a dude. And on the back, it says, 'Catch feelings, not waves,' which I love because I'm very emotional.

MySpace was kind of coming to an end when I got onto social media. So my first experience was with Facebook, and there was, like, a penguin game where you feed your penguins, and you have penguin friends.

When I am driving to an audition, I listen to the 'Hamilton: The Musical' soundtrack. It's super inspiring, but also, if I kind of sing-slash-rap along to it, it helps me with my pronunciation and dialect.

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