The first goal is always important.

I love winning and any team I'm on, I expect to win.

I think about the things I control and do them well.

I've never asked a player if they would sign my shoe.

I sure am handsome. I cant lie. This is one handsome guy.

I sure am handsome. I can't lie. This is one handsome guy.

I've got a lot to prove to a lot of people, including myself.

Some things you can shake off, some things dig deeper than soccer.

Do I feel pressure being a young player with high expectations? Nah.

Americans love winners, so if we win we know we'll get a lot of support.

I got to say 'Hi' to Dolly Parton, which my mom thought was kind of cool.

There is something to be said for waking up every morning and seeing the sun.

My guess is that if David Beckham wants Ronaldo's jersey, he's going to get it.

Everything balled up into one: Beat Mexico and qualify. There's no better scenario.

To imagine being in Germany having a home crowd is kind of silly, but we'll take it.

I genuinely want to do my best every day, and I genuinely want to enjoy life every day.

My decision to return to the MLS is one that I have made with thoughtful consideration.

As athletes, most of the time we deal with fans cussing at us, saying how much we suck.

Life isn't perfect, of course, but we all know it's how you react to things that counts.

Ten years ago, the level was nowhere near what it is today. (on soccer in the United States)

You put a lot of pressure on your defenders to be able to hold the fort when you go forward.

Skin cancer became personal to my family when my father was diagnosed with basal cell carcinoma.

I would probably say that being a commissioner in sports is one of the hardest jobs in the world.

If you let the reality of the business side get to you, it can turn you, and that's not good at all.

He's confident. He knows what he's good at and he has people around him to help him. (on Freddy Adu)

I used to focus more on scoring. Now I take a lot of pride and pleasure in helping someone else do well.

In my heart of hearts, I thought, if we get a 1-0 win and the team doesn't perform well, that would feel good.

As athletes, we all have egos, we all think we can help, and when you're not given that chance, it's hard to watch.

I've always thought it would be interesting to give insight on soccer because I have a lot of experience in my career.

I don't know about the rest of the world, but I know in our region everyone is gunning to beat us. We have a new challenge.

A lot of times I watch sporting events, and there are things I want to say and things I see that don't get said or talked about.

Relaxing, going on vacation, sleeping, having fun when I want, golfing when I want, do whatever I want - I am going to enjoy it.

I want to be a positive influence. I want to be someone who they want to call in and want here consistently, regardless of my role.

Most of us are in this more than just for playing soccer. We're in it for the bigger goal - to move it along for the next generation.

As a spectator, you get to watch everything, but I'd much rather be playing than watching. I'll have time to watch later in my career.

Family is the most important thing in the world. If everything ended tomorrow and my family was still there, I'd be the happiest man alive.

I think all players reach a point in their career where it's natural to lose some of that hunger, that desire, to sort of break out or be a star.

I didn't have to step up into a leadership role, ... I just had to be there and help out where I could. But this year I had to be more of the man.

There was this old soccer game called 'Goal' for the old Nintendo, and ever since then, I've played everything from the old school games to the 360.

I don't think in terms of legacy or that kind of stuff. I've always thought that'll take care of itself if I did everything right on a day-to-day basis.

I remember - when I was little, I remember playing 'Tecmo Bowl,' and I would be so excited to be Bo Jackson in the game that I wanted to watch him play in real life.

Men are sort of doofuses about sunscreen, and for the most part, women are more inclined to take better care of themselves, but a reminder is always good for everyone.

It's got to be harder in real life to win a World Cup. But depending on if you play World Class level on FIFA, it's going to be difficult to win in the video game, too.

There have been weeks when I've not been hydrating properly or not eating properly or training too hard. When I do that, I don't feel good. It has to be the exact formula.

I've never met anybody who says they don't like the World Cup. If you're a soccer fan or not, everybody loves watching it, and I think it could be the same for other sports.

My brother and I have always had this theory that, as stupid as it sounds, in video games, there is a certain hand-eye coordination and a thought process that you can learn.

I'm a little skeptical of foreign coaches in our league and in U.S. Soccer just because of how different our league is and our players are than other players around the world.

I have to be able to be honest and be credible, and I think I can say, 'This guy did not have his best game today' rather than, 'He is awful and I cannot believe he did that.'

I think it's probably a good lesson for other people to follow - to not always make the decision that's popular for others, but to do what you feel like is the right thing to do.

I miss driving to Goodison Park. I miss just the positive energy of the fans walking into the stadium and how much they care about that club and the team. And I miss the players a lot.

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