I knew I always wanted kids someday.

Well, I think you do have to admire Nancy Pelosi.

Donald Trump has brought jobs back to this country.

It's hard to translate excitement for one candidate to another.

People feel the results of the Trump presidency every single day.

I don't know why someone would be dumb enough to challenge Donald Trump.

President Trump's agenda is enticing businesses to hire in North Carolina.

For the sake of our children, let's behave like civilized, law-abiding adults.

Tiger Woods is the epitome of what people should try to be like in this country.

I think more people overall are going to come out to vote for Donald Trump in 2020.

We cannot sustain illegal immigration in perpetuity. It will not work for our country.

I'm working as hard as I can to get a rescue dog into the White House. It'd be a dream.

Leisure time is just one of the many benefits Americans are enjoying in the Trump economy.

It never feels good when people suggest that you did something wrong and you know you didn't.

People have to take socialism and anyone running on a socialist platform incredibly seriously.

The Democrats always scream 'racism' at a Republican contender in any field across the country.

You can have all the money in the world, but if you're not a good candidate, it doesn't matter.

It was very important to my father-in-law that we didn't feel like we deserted our base of voters.

No doubt, the fight against ISIS is deadly serious, as was the raid that took down their elusive leader.

In 2016, Hillary Clinton had so much more money than the Trump campaign, yet, we see who won that election.

Listen, not everybody can afford to get a great lawyer and defend yourself against something that you didn't do.

Teenagers should never fear for their safety when they join their families to support - or oppose - the President.

Would higher taxes and a crumbling economy help women succeed, either personally or professionally? I don't think so.

Regrettably, the media are seemingly incapable of mentioning the words 'compassion' and 'Trump' in the same sentence.

Robert Francis O'Rourke. Also known as Beto O'Rourke. Great skateboarder. Not sure what he's going to do for this country.

I would love for us to get back to a place in this country where we have real journalists, where we have real news reporting.

President Trump cut regulations, allowing businesses large and small to expand and hire. The Democrats created those regulations.

Sadly, the mainstream media doesn't like to linger very long on news stories that might present President Trump in a positive light.

I still say save your money, don't waste your money or time running against Donald Trump in 2020 because you're not going to beat him.

The Democrats like to claim that they are the party of women - in reality, though, no politician has done more for women than Donald J. Trump.

Well, puppy mills are - it's just a name given to really, really bad dog breeding facilities and sadly, we have a lot of them in this country.

Paid family leave, for instance, has strong backing in scientific literature as an effective means of enabling families who want kids to have them.

Joe Biden had a shot for eight years in the Obama administration to do great things for this country and we didn't see a whole lot come out of that.

We must all come together to condemn political violence, most of all the national news media, and refuse to promote the dehumanizing rhetoric of fanatics.

For years, I have traveled all around the country to promote animal welfare, fighting for policies that will finally eliminate unnecessary animal suffering.

The Democrats' anti-business economic policies would mean less money and fewer jobs in America, which inevitably means fewer opportunities to go on vacation too.

Cindy Hyde-Smith has proven that she's committed to resisting the Democrats' obstructionist tactics and helping my father-in-law implement his pro-growth policies.

Notably, the Trump tax cuts also doubled the child tax credit, reducing the tax burden on working families so that they have more resources to devote to their children.

I knew I needed to workout for my sanity, and I try and make it a daily habit if I can, so I count myself very lucky that I have been able to keep doing that while pregnant.

I think that, ultimately, my father-in-law will change the United States for the better, restore pride to our country and go down in history as one of the greatest Presidents.

President Trump's economic plan which centers on tax cuts and deregulation has breathed new life into the American economy, fostering an incredibly business-friendly environment.

The Trump effect I think is very real, and I think people realize that. Everyone wants the president to come hold a rally in their state, in their area, and with very good reason.

Woman to woman, I shared a connection with Omarosa as a friend and a campaign sister, and I am absolutely shocked and saddened by her betrayal and violation on a deeply personal level.

Tiger Woods has known Donald Trump... for many years, well before he became the president. He knows the true Donald Trump, not the one that the mainstream media tries to post up all the time.

There's a good reason why you've probably never heard of President Trump's success in promoting animal welfare - the media are desperate to move on from any story that humanizes this president.

It's gotta be hard when you are a newcomer to this kind of thing, this big political scene and you have somebody like Michael Bloomberg come in with hundreds of millions of dollars, dumping it in.

For more than two and a half years, my father-in-law has been implementing pro-growth policies that have made America more prosperous than ever before - and women have benefitted as much as anybody.

When you give him a chance, you learn that President Trump cares deeply about fairness and justice and will do everything in his power to correct the past failures of the political class in Washington.

I was always a little worried, because I had heard different things from different people about their pregnancies; some people have to stay in bed for months... you never know what you're going to get.

He is gracious with his time and has a tremendous heart. He is an incredibly loyal person and never forgets those who are loyal to him. I feel very lucky to have a man like Donald Trump as my father-in-law.

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