I always put God first.

I don't like fake people.

I'm still learning to love myself.

I want to write with Taylor Swift!

I like having curves. Curves are in!

I've always dreamed of doing a music video.

You have to accept yourself so everyone else can.

I keep the people who I know love me really close.

He might be my boyfriend. He might not be my boyfriend.

It is a horrible feeling to have people bashing you online.

I write about what's on my mind. It's like a stress reliever.

My parents got divorced, and they both remarried other people.

I was slightly starstruck by Justin Bieber! I mean, he is cute!

The first time I heard 'Georgia Peaches,' I absolutely loved it.

I like any song that can tell a story that people can relate to.

I hope each week I grow and impress you guys and make you happy.

Remember that it's okay to get help, and it doesn't make you weak.

My mom quit her whole life and came to live with me in California.

I've always been interested in acting - since I was a little girl.

My favorite type of music to sing is a crossover between country and pop.

My mom would walk through a fire pit for me, and I'd do the same for her.

My first kiss was in 7th grade. It grossed me out. I kind of freaked out!

I grew up eating fried food. I thought that macaroni and cheese was a vegetable.

I love acting. I want to act as much as I can without interfering with the music.

I try to remind myself of the things that I like about myself that make me who I am.

I have insecurity problems like every teenage girl, but you have to work through them.

I like to sing in the car with the windows rolled down and hair blowing all over my face.

I wrote 'Road Less Traveled' to make myself feel better and process what I was going through.

'Doin' Fine' is a really special song because it's uplifting but really honest at the same time.

I don't think I'm being forced to grow up too fast; I would rather people treat me like an adult.

I live country songs every single day of my life, so thank goodness I decided that was my passion!

I don't let people say mean things to me! I don't surround myself with people who'd want to do that.

I had five singles that did not work on country radio, and I still had fans that showed up to the shows.

I had bulimia for a few years. I was really sick. I don't know that person; I can't believe that was me.

I want that to be my overall message - that we just need to love each other. We need to love other more.

I've been really fortunate with touring and sales and all those things because I have such a loyal fan base.

Self-confidence is something I've always lacked in. But finally, at some point, I just decided to be honest.

As a little girl, I remember always wanting my grandmother to make blackberry cobbler for me. I'm obsessed with it.

Honestly, I never thought I would ever tell anyone that I had an eating disorder. It was my deepest, darkest secret.

Before I go to bed, I thank God for blessing me with all the things he blessed me with, and for my family to be safe.

I'm a goofball, and I have this huge personality, and I used to try to hide that. I used to try to kind of dim my light.

'Pretty' is not the amount of makeup on your face or the shirt you're wearing or the size of your pants - that is false.

I was raised really religious, and it's a big part of my life. No matter what I go through, my faith will always be there.

I'm not fake, and I don't want to mislead people about who I am. I can be serious, too, and I cry a lot. It's just who I am.

I got to express myself in a whole new way as a different person on camera, in a different way as an actress, and I loved it.

I love to go to school. My favourite subject is math, and I'm - actually, I just love high school more than anything, probably.

When you go through really hard times, you really figure out who you are, how you respond to things, and how things affect you.

Country music's really good about telling a story, so I want songs that tell good stories where people can say, 'That happened to me!'

I hope I'm exactly what America is looking for, I don't know, I'm just going to be myself and hope that they love it. That's all I can do.

I really, really look up to Carrie Underwood a lot because she came from a small town that has the same population as mine - 3,500 people.

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