I hate zoos.

I'm a real workaholic.

Art is about paying attention.

When love is gone, there's always justice.

The world is a strange and wonderful place.

I think women are excellent social critics.

You can do great things with low-tech stuff.

The fewer expectations you have, the better.

Books are the way the dead talk to the living.

You can do bigger and bigger things. For what?

I've been trying to avoid goal-oriented behavior.

Freedon is a scary thing. Most people don't want it.

The problem with prototypes is they don't always work.

I'm not usually where I think I am. It's kind of spooky.

History is an angel being blown backwards into the future

I believe that the purpose of death is the release of love.

Technology is the campfire around which we tell our stories.

It's a little hard to speak when you're not supposed to move.

I am a New Yorker, one; I'm an artist, two; I'm a woman, three.

Long live the beauty that comes down and through and onto all of us.

I'm actually not someone who believes in heaven or anything like that.

I really trust audiences as having excellent taste, for the most part.

Something that has so much power must have life. Instruments have life.

Paradise Is exactly like Where you are right now Only much much Better.

I think a lot of people in Washington are extremely suspicious of NASA.

Shining in the midnight moonlight, while the King sings love me tender.

I'm one of the first Americans who wasn't a torturer or an interrogator.

So many things have happened to me in my life that I could be phobic about.

Paradise is exactly like where you are right now... only much, much better.

The right to carry a gun has nothing to do with the rights of other people.

Don't be afraid of anyone. Imagine your life if you're not afraid of anyone.

Being an artist is a totally godlike thing to do - and I have a god complex.

You need to try to master the ability to feel sad without actually being sad.

Art can be engaged in the world without being specifically politically engaged.

If there are bases on the moon, that would be the end of the moon as we know it.

As a New Yorker, I'm someone who lives on an island and looks across to America.

I have written a lot about snakes. There's something pretty primordial about it.

As an artist I'd choose the thing that's beautiful more than the one that's true.

I just sort of wish people would dance differently. It reminds me of teenage sex.

I don't care about being famous or having a lot of people go, "She's really good."

They say that Heaven is like TV... a perfect little world, that doesn't really need you.

A lot of words in English confuse the idea of life and electricity, like the word livewire.

My job is to make images and leave the decision-making and conclusion-drawing to other people.

I'm an average enough person to point to the things I've gotten to see that are awe-inspiring.

My job is to make images and leave the decision-making and conclusion-draw ing to other people.

My secret dream is to write an epic poem. That's probably the most pretentious thing I've said.

I realized why movie scores are mostly strings, because it really frees your eyes to look around.

I really like books that you can kind of hear as much as think about, that are so graphic and visual.

Last night, I had that dream again. I dreamt I had to take a test, in a Dairy Queen, on another planet.

It's the tradition of American writers getting away in order to see the country - to get a better view.

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