I'm all about authenticity.

We live in a cold, cold world.

Live like someone died for you.

I think complexity is beautiful.

Acting and theatrics are my forte.

You plus nothing equals everything.

Live for Him and live with purpose.

I hate systemic oppression in America.

God is never late, we're just impatient.

I don't need DRUGS, I got the Most HIGH.

We all need grace in the face of each other.

I'd rather die like Christ than live unholy.

You and I live to manifest the Glory of God.

Christians have no idea how to deal with art.

I run in my own lanes screaming Jesus is King!

When people let youd own, God will pick you up.

I got the best of Jesus. He got the worst of me.

If you really wanna be a rebel, read your bible.

Don't follow your feeling. Just follow the word.

Love is more than a word. It's a noun and a verb.

Good people don’t go to Heaven, forgiven people do.

I know where my bills get paid from, and that's God!

Magnify the father, why bother with something lesser?

They ask me how Im doing. I say better than I deserve

God is not bothered by your persistence. Keep asking.

Honestly, the pains of humanity have been draining me.

Ain't a soul on the planet that's better than another.

Like a hero in a dream, Christ came and He rescued me.

Money cannot purchase joy. It buys temporary distractions.

I grew up and still didn't know what it meant to be a man.

If I'm learning something, that's all I want to talk about.

Life is like a dice, so watch the ones you're rolling with.

If ignorance is bliss, it's cuz she's never heard of this...

Hang out with me long enough, and I'm bound to let you down.

The real test of our character is when the bottom falls out.

We fear circumstances so much because we fear God so little.

I don't exist to build a genre. I exist to build the Kingdom.

All men are created to lead, but we need somebody to lead us.

If people throw stones at you, pick 'em up and build something.

You've got to admit you're broken before you can be made whole.

Don't use time and words carelessly - neither can be retrieved.

The problem is always sin, and the answer is always the Gospel.

A lot of time, the music reflects reality, which reflects music.

Atlanta, to me, has the sauce as far as urban music is concerned.

If my significance comes from God, then I know I'm always secure.

The worlds smallest package is a person wrapped up in themselves.

What I bring is unique. No one else brings to the table what I am.

Pain can be a haunting reminder to appreciate every waking moment.

There's a line between being egotistical and being genius or great.

The less time you spend with Truth, the easier it is to believe lies.

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