I make a very good steak.

I like hard, aggressive music.

Touring is too much fun to stop.

Good manners don't cost nothing.

I wasn't any good at playing tennis.

I once fell through a hole in the stage.

You can't plan your life. It doesn't work.

I'm not going to die broke, but I'm not rich.

I'm not a poker player; I play slot machines.

'Bomber' was the first song I wrote about war.

People don't know how to be outrageous anymore.

I like touring; I live on the road, more or less.

I listen to everything from Ravel to the Bee Gees.

I don't really have the voice for love songs, do I?

I'd never have left Hawkwind if I hadn't been fired.

Cold pizza is a perfect breakfast, with lots of salt.

I always open doors for women. It's just good manners.

Growing up in America is like being taught to be stupid.

I've always been very wordy; I've got a great vocabulary.

Like most housewives, I don't cook unless I have company.

I hate golf! I still can't believe Alice Cooper plays golf!

You learn all the best stuff in life after you leave school.

I was brought up by two women: my mother and my grandmother.

I was the kid a lot of other mothers wouldn't let you play with.

Nobody in the world could possibly be as mean as I look, could they?

Everyone gets depressed. But what do you do? You just go through it.

Falling in love is terrible. It makes you act foolish, like an idiot.

I don't eat vegetables. I eat potatoes and green beans, and that's it.

I wasn't very worried about the Cold War; I was busy being a musician.

Elvis inspired my sideburns, but Little Richard inspired me for vocals.

It's much more fun to be full of hope than pessimism any day of the week.

I don't like people's table manners. That really puts you off eating food.

My persona has given me a certain notoriety, if not international celebrity.

Some songs, you just can't shake; they keep creeping back into your set list.

I don't really admire musicianship per se - as is obvious from my own playing.

I'm not afraid of death. How can you be afraid of something that's inevitable?

Kids are generally rotten until the age of about six, when they become people.

I don't only collect Nazi stuff; I collect objects from all the Axis countries.

As for what other people think of me, I don't care. I don't care and never have.

Everything I hear influences me. I can't tell you all my influences as a musician.

Human nature is to blame for everything, innit? We're just a disease on this planet.

People don't become better when they're dead; you just talk about them as if they are.

It's not that I take pride in being unfashionable. It's just that I've gotten used to it.

In your twenties, you think you are immortal. In your thirties, you hope you are immortal.

I don't know, I've always written songs that are mainly about attitude, not me personally.

I've never met a girl who could stop me looking at all the others. If I did, I'd marry her.

I guess anything in excess is no good for you, even things that are supposed to be healthy.

Rock n' roll's had a good time out of me - and I've had a very good time out of rock n' roll.

I always wanted to be able to show off like the guitar players do. I think I managed that alright!

As a roadie for the Jimi Hendrix Experience, I learned that I should give up being a guitar player.

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