My hobby is silence.

I love bipolar people.

I started out playing 'Chopsticks.'

I scarcely talk to reporters at all.

I'm almost totally politically inactive.

I played on a few Frank Sinatra sessions.

I'm kind of the Forrest Gump of rock n' roll.

California always struck me as a police state.

Both economics and politics are false sciences.

I've always sort of been at odds with radio programmers.

I wish I had gone into industrial plumbing. That's a joke.

My first job in a country band was after I moved to California.

I started playing in nightclubs when I was about 14 in Oklahoma.

I remember reading 'Catcher in the Rye,' but I don't think I got it.

I am happy with what comes, I don't have expectations of any stature.

I have a certain amount of difficulty dealing with too much limelight.

I had a whole bunch of bad country songs, so I put 'em all on an album.

Apparently I was a Billboard top touring act of 1973, but nobody told me.

I used to play on Phil Spector's records, and he liked to use three pianists.

I really am serious abut catfish farming. I'm very interested in aquaculture.

My whole family's been involved with music, and it's been so since the minstrel days.

I'm just concerned with going about my business and making the records I want to make.

I like the Beatles very much, and there are certain things about the Stones that I like.

Karen Carpenter was just a singularly amazing singer. There was just not anybody like her.

One of the features of being a piano player is playing as an accompanist for other people.

I'm always having people come up to me and say I saved their life - but I don't remember it!

It's kind of depressing to make a lot of records and not get the kind of response they deserve.

I am not aware of my public image or what people think of me. I don't evaluate myself that way.

When I say I don't get involved in politics, I merely mean that I don't talk to reporters about it.

The first canon of my religion is that you shouldn't try to convince anybody to believe like you do.

I didn't start out to become famous, so when it disappeared, I thought, well, that happens sometimes.

I was on the road with Jerry Lee Lewis when I was 15 - I can't imagine not doing it. That's what I do.

I make records all the time. But making records is not quite the same as getting them to the audience.

Actually, I didn't listen to country music very much in Oklahoma. I listened to blues and rock n' roll.

I've grown up on Bob Dylan and all that, but there was a certain standard set up by people before 1955.

I would have to say Sam Cooke is the one I admired most. His artistry and vocal, just the way he did it.

I love you in a place where there's no space or time I love you for my life 'cause you're a friend of mine

I was always trying to write standards, songs that anybody can sing. I figured that's where the money was.

When you play with another piano player, it's just second nature to play the parts that need to be played.

I've avoided the press and a lot of stuff that would have made me more visible just because it's not my style.

For years and years, I would sit in my studio, and I wouldn't have any inspiration. I'd write one or two songs a year.

I like that old style of country music - it seems to me that a lot of the modern country music is rehashed rock n' roll.

I'm not as aware of categories in music as some people are. To me it's just music. I'm interested in all kinds of music.

The Pentecostals had horns, drums, guitars, huge choirs, and screaming and dancing and all kinds of stuff. That was for me.

Songwriting was very tough for me... I would go in and sit and hope for inspiration to come, and it was rarely forthcoming.

There was a period in my life when I was trying to write standards: songs that everybody recorded. I did a pretty good run of it.

Watching yourself on film, if you've never watched yourself on film before, you want to go crawl into bed and stay there for a week.

For years, when I was popular, I would face the blank page to write, and I couldn't think of anything that I thought was good enough.

Words have been the most difficult thing for me. Melodies have been the easiest for me; I have more than enough melodies to go around.

I studied classical music for a long time, maybe 10 years, and I realized finally I was never going to have the hands to play that stuff.

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