The truth is uncompromising.

The truth is known in silence. Be still and know.

Do not seek the answers. Let the answers find you.

Surrender the dream and the truth will be revealed.

Your gift to God is honesty. God's gift to you is truth.

You can live in a house, but your real home is inside you.

Everything that happens is designed to awaken us. Everything.

Don't diminish yourself in any way. Dare to be all that you are.

When you are truly present, you illuminate everything around you.

In the awakened state of Presence, aloneness becomes all-oneness.

The only thing I trust is silence. And I trust silence completely.

You can be sad for others but you don't have to take on their pain.

Awakening is not something you achieve. It is something you relax into.

Everything that occurs in your life is part of God's plan to wake you up.


Every moment you are present, there is a little less darkness in our world.

It's not them, it's you. It's not there, it's here. It's not then, it's now.

I cannot tell you anything that you don't already know, but it is known in silence.

Only when you can accept that you are alone, will you discover that you are not alone.

The price of freedom is to allow freedom. Very few people are willing to pay the price.

If you’re truly present in this moment, then you are a Buddha. At least for this moment!

In presence, there is no right or wrong, because there is no duality. There is no judgment.

Everything that occurs in your life is an opportunity for awakening. There are no exceptions!

The past is gone. The future never arrives. In truth, there is no life outside of this moment!

If you fully awaken, you will not know yourself. Understand this, and you will understand all.

It disguises it’s thoughts as your thoughts, it’s feelings with your feelings, you think it’s you.

The fact that we are aware of ourselves is both our greatest curse and also our greatest blessing.

Beyond all experience is the one who is experiencing. Beyond all change is the One who never changes.

The only moment ever available to you is the present moment. Everything else is memory or imagination.

We are on a journey of becoming that which we already are. That is the impossible paradox of our lives.

When you are caught in the mind, your past defines you. When you are present, you are beyond definition.

Wanting others to love you, you give away your heart. Wanting others to see you, you give away your eyes.

There is no greater power than the power of love, which arises from Presence. It overcomes all resistance.

"What do I want?" is your question. And what you want is always changing with the flow. So go with the flow.

In the awakened state, the mind is either perfectly silent or it is a perfectly clear instrument of expression.

When you awaken, you will see that this is Heaven on Earth, and everything in physical form is the body of God.

Waking up is not serious. It is a gentle remembering and an honoring of the present moment as the truth of life.

People have no clue that they’re in prison, they don’t know that there is an ego, they don’t know the distinction.

The very essence of your Being is infinite, eternal silence. It is your true nature. It is the essence of all existence.

Projecting into the future with hopes, dreams and desires can never fulfill you. Only the present moment can fulfill you.

If you accept full responsibility for yourself, you will be released forever from expectation, resentment, blame and guilt.

Awakening is about liberating yourself from the prison that is the world of the mind and daring to be here as all that you are.

The more awake you are, the less there is of you here. At the very deepest level of Presence, you have disappeared and only God is.

It is far wiser to ask for a question than an answer. When you think you have all the answers, it simply means you have run out of questions.

You spend very little time in the present moment. Reality exists only in the present moment. Therefore you spend very little time in reality.

True power arises in knowing what you want, knowing what you don't want, expressing it clearly and lovingly without attachment to the outcome.

As you awaken, the present moment becomes your home. You still play in the world of time, but you're not identified with the story unfolding there.

In Presence, there is no outcome. It is our involvement in the outcome that keeps us imprisoned in an imagined future. In Presence, there is only now.

You cannot be present in an abstract way. Presence is not about disappearing into nothingness. You can only be present with something that is actually here.

As each of us awakens, it impacts human consciousness at a collective level. It is like dropping a tiny pebble of light into a dark pool of unconsciousness . Ripples of light!

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