Thou shalt call his name Jesus. He shall save his people from their ...

Thou shalt call his name Jesus. He shall save his people from their sins.

He who fears God fears no man.

Faith is taking God at His Word.

You never have to advertise a fire.

The self-righteous never apologize.

You can't live wrong and pray right.

Men give advice; God gives guidance.

Christianity is Christ plus nothing!

We are not eternity conscious enough.

No man is greater than his prayer life.

A saint is good when nobody is looking.

If weak in prayer we are weak everywhere.

Love is blind. Marriage is an eye-opener.

Notice to step out of time into eternity.

Never have so many left so much to so few.

The secret of praying is praying in secret.

Church unity comes from corporate humility.

Surely revival delays because prayer decays.

We must live a holy life if we want to pray.

The most fervent prayer meetings are in hell.

Preaching is not a profession, it’s a passion

When you're born in fire, smoke will never do.

Our seminaries today are turning out dead men.

The longer I live, the more I find I don't know

Nobody else can give you a clean heart but God.

A Christian who isn't praying, is only playing!

The Bible is either absolute, or it's obsolete.

Entertainment is the devil's substitute for joy

If He is not Lord of all, He is not Lord at all.

Maybe you are the key to revival in your church.

Praying Christians know nothing of their friends

A wet eyed preacher will never preach dry sermons

The only vision (many) of you have is television.

We don't preach salvation. We preach forgiveness.

Any method of evangelism will work—if God is in it.

If you kneel before God, you will stand before men.

Prayer in its highest form is agonizing soul sweat.

An experience of God that costs nothing does nothing

The church has paid a terrible price for statistics!

The only power that God yields to is that of prayer.

We need more prophets in our pulpits and less puppets

How can you have a dead service with a living Christ?

I want to see the glory of God invade this generation.

Every step you make in Jesus Christ enrages the devil.

Praying men stop sinning and sinning men stop praying.

It is much easier to wear a cross than to bear a cross.

God doesn't answer prayer, He answers desperate prayer!

Is the world crucified to you or does it fascinate you?

The darker it gets, the brighter your light will shine.

Maturity comes from obedience, not necessarily from age.

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