I order pizza a lot to set.

I really would like to be on Broadway someday.

You don't need to ever justify the way you feel.

Being a young woman in Hollywood is intimidating.

I actually didn't go to prom. I didn't have the chance.

I have a best friend in my life who I know is my soulmate.

I take, like, two baths a day. Is that weird? I don't know.

With any teen show, there's going to be drama and heartache.

Taking ownership of your feelings is so vital to getting better.

I'm kind of a warrior for love, and I wear my heart on my sleeve.

Your feelings are validated by the fact that you're feeling them.

It takes a good 35-40 minutes to do my iconic ponytail every day.

I like to escape to the beach and kind of ground myself whenever I can.

People post things on Instagram that they know people are going to like.

I'm the kind of person, if I don't like you, unfortunately you know that.

I've seen a therapist at different points in my life for different reasons.

I just love spending the day at the beach and then staying inside all night.

I've had social anxiety forever - I don't thrive in social or party settings.

I grew up with a very small, select group of friends that I kept my whole life.

It's called a private life for a reason - it's mine, and it's special and sacred.

There's no difference between my persona on Twitter and Instagram and in real life.

I had had to quit a few jobs in North Carolina because of how anxious they made me.

My relationships are between me and whomever I'm with, not between me and the world.

Everything I'm thinking in my head goes onto my face, so you can see right through me.

A man in a position of power over me used that said power to try and take advantage of me.

I'm a picky eater, so, often, if I can't find something to eat at catering, I order pizza.

What you want, what feels good to you - it's all going to change with every partner you have.

Going to Comic-Con was mind-blowing, seeing all these fans and all these people who know my name.

I use an acne cleanser. I've always had that St. Ives apricot scrub. But I have bad skin sometimes.

My parents just had faith in me, and thank God they did. They weren't stage parents in the slightest.

People are going to criticize you no matter what, so I'm going to say whatever the hell I want to say.

High school was difficult for me because I was in the thick of dealing with my depression and anxiety.

I grew up one of three girls, and none of them were into comic books, so I wasn't exposed to that world.

I think, growing up, the female friendships that I saw on television were portrayed as catty and vicious.

When you meet your best friend in real life, or you meet your soulmate, you just know it, and you feel it.

I have a sugar addiction - when I don't eat sugar, my body literally shakes. It's not something I'm proud of.

I don't drink coffee, so I have been known to have a Coca Cola on set at 6:30 A.M. in order to wake myself up.

I am on medication - I've talked about that before - just to help my anxiety, so I'm not depressed all the time.

Growing up, I watched a lot of TLC - I loved 'Four Weddings' and 'Hoarding: Buried Alive.' They're so binge-able.

The first time I moved to L.A., I was there for five months, and my health got so bad because of how depressed I was.

I think it's refreshing that it's not called 'The Archie Show.' It's called 'Riverdale,' not 'Archie,' which is good.

I journal a lot for nobody but myself. Just to get my thoughts out and to clear my mind. That's very therapeutic to me.

I just hope to keep doing film and TV and eventually Broadway. It's definitely what I want to do for the rest of my life.

Some people say the things I do are annoying because I'm intentionally trying too hard to be relatable, but I'm really not.

I can't say I've watched 'Twin Peaks.' I feel like I wouldn't be comfortable doing so until after I'm done with 'Riverdale.'

I remember being in middle and high school and hearing Demi Lovato speak up about her mental illness, and that was comforting.

I moved across the country when I was 16, so I left my high school and finished school online in order to pursue my acting more.

I'm not grateful for depression, but it honestly made me work harder and gave me the drive that I have to succeed and to make it work.

For teenage kids, they feel a pressure to sweep things under the rug because they feel like they're not important enough to have problems.

There came a point when I called my mom, and I was like, 'I need to come home. I'm not OK. I'm not good right now. My mental health isn't good.'

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