My mom died when I was 8.

I'm proud of being Hispanic.

I've always been around dudes and sports.

My approach is a very human one, as a fan.

In the morning, I reach for the sports page.

I love color and I love to dress like a woman.

I'm not going to relate to an athlete as a peer.

I want to know about what makes an athlete tick.

On my morning run, I listen to sports talk radio.

So my dad raised me, and he's a huge football fan.

And I'm proud of what I do as a professional, too.

When I'm anchoring, I miss chasing stories in the field.

You just have to hope that they'll grant you an interview.

Being attractive and being credible can and do go together.

I'm proud of what I look like. I'm proud that I look like my mom.

Theres that initial reticence for some athletes to take you seriously.

I know I'll be under a spotlight, I know I'll be under the microscope.

And that Michael Irvin would care more about his wardrobe than I would?

There's that initial reticence for some athletes to take you seriously.

I was so afraid that the athletes wouldn't talk to me because I'm a woman.

I grew up watching Monday Night Football with Howard Cosell and the other guys with my dad.

In terms of broadcasting, you have to make decisions about where you want to spend your time.

You mean the fact that Tom Arnold would spend more time with the hair and makeup people than I would?

I've always been the only girl in those environments. It's comfortable for me - I prefer it, actually.

So I plan to prepare thoroughly and have several outfits waiting in the wings in case of inclement weather.

I'm looking forward to talking to Bill Parcells, too, and to seeing how that marriage with Jerry Jones goes.

I'm comfortable with my femininity, and I don't try to change what I look like just because I'm reporting on football at the end of the night.

No, one of the great things about my three-year deal is that it's year-round. They've offered me an opportunity to cover a lot of things in the offseason, too.

When I found out I got this job, I cried, of course - I'm a girly-girl - and then I called my dad, and he cried, too. On so many levels, this is a thrill for me.

We're starting to push the envelope in terms of the expectations, and you can also have your own style, personality and sense of humor, because now we're allowed to.

Constantly there's a credibility issue; you're judged on how you look. If you look good, people assume you aren't credible. It's a battle you'll always fight if you're on TV and a female.

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