Band I listen to most: The Ramones.

I learned how to cross-country ski.

Somebody is always hiding something.

I'm sorry you're angry is not an apology.

I have a love/hate relationship with jogging.

You can't be suspicious 24/7. It's too exhausting.

I don't mind losing. Losing is like breathing to me.

I have a weakness for tough guys who read." - Izzy Spellman

I was young, maybe 4, when I learned where babies came from.

I wrote the first draft of 'Plan B' the summer after I turned 21.

I'm always accused of being a crime novelist, but I'm not really.

No one is going to abduct me, Rae." "That's what all abductees say.

I liked finding dirt on people. It made all my trespasses seem trivial.

His sense of humor is purely cheap vaudeville, yet everyone falls for it.

To properly investigate a subject, we must investigate a subject's stuff.

I've got no business giving advice to anyone. Even a fictional character.

There's no reason why a writer shouldn't explore and use different genres.

What's her name?" "None of your business." "That can't possibly be her name.

The sense of not knowing where I came from let me be as smart as I wanted to be.

Our ability to adapt is amazing. Our ability to change isn't quite as spectacular.

I refuse to have a life partner who spends his days pretending to be on a BBC show.

We are all a mess of contradictions; some of our traits work for us, some against us.

I have certain rules for snooping, under which anything out in the open is fair game.

I was never obsessed with being adopted. I was simply curious about my biological parents.

I worked for a private investigative agency briefly. I rarely had the opportunity to snoop.

I entered his apartment without being invited, which is perfectly fine if you're not a vampire.

Hair color is the easiest way to change your appearance, but a bad dye job might draw more attention to you.

I'm not a huge fan of research, but sometimes you get an idea, and then you realize you don't know anything.

I am a huge Mel Brooks fan. And I do think that not seeing his canon of classics is a bit criminal or clueless.

I investigate more directly. I tend to ask a lot of questions and don't feel satisfied until I have the answer.

When I was 6, I learned where I came from, which was one step removed from the usual circumstances. I was adopted.

Finally, I'm recognizing that rewrites aren't some cosmic punishment for childhood wrongs but the nature of the business.

She suspects her husband, Jake, might be gay." "Did you suggest she ask him?" Mom laughed. "Of course not. Business is slow.

I'd like to think that if I were in prison for a crime I didn't commit, someone would be trying to get me the hell out of there.

'The Chosen,' if you recall, was based on the Chaim Potok novel and featured Robbie Benson's persuasive performance as a Hasidic Jew.

You're a terrible cook, Daniel." "I know," he replied, "But it's the effort that counts." "I hope that's not the slogan for your dental practice.

I'm staying," Henry said, annoyed. "Why?" "Because, if I leave, it would be like abandoning two mentally challenged people in a nuclear waste dump.

I tend to start books with a very broad outline, but I always leave room for happy accidents. With 'The Passenger,' there were perhaps too many of those.

ISABEL: Sorry I missed my session Monday. DR. RUSH: Would you like to tell me why? ISABEL: I was depressed. DR. RUSH: That's a good reason to come to therapy.

If you're trying to hide, avoid using your own name. Have a couple spares that you can pull out of your pocket anytime, the more thoroughly documented the better.

Maggie is my sister-in-law, married to my brother David. She is a defense attorney who devotes 25 percent of her practice to pro bono wrongful-incarceration cases.

While he bore no real resemblance to anyone in my family, his features were a collection of my mother's and father's best attributes, with a few of Gregory Peck's thrown in.

My father insisted that the boys in my life were directly responsible for my juvenile-delinquent tendencies. My mother, more accurately, assumed that I was the bad influence.

People transform in some ways, and they remain exactly the same in others. Often, the thing you'd like to change the most about yourself is where you will forever remain stuck.

Although I'm not an orphan and I can't lift a horse. I was, however, briefly famous for my feats of strength: at about age 11, I could competitively arm-wrestle a full-grown man.

Stop looking at me like that." Sorry, I just wanted to savor the moment," Mom replied. What moment?" I asked. You're in first place," she said, and then began washing the windows.

I have certain rules for snooping, under which anything out in the open is fair game. But I also think, in light of some current trends in our culture, that privacy should be respected.

I was on a few surveillance jobs as part of a big team. I would be the person to follow the subject on foot when the need arose. But most of the time, we were sitting in a car doing nothing.

'Await Your Reply' by Dan Chaon. I've always been obsessed with the idea of disappearing and becoming someone else. Even if you don't share that obsession, I can't recommend this book highly enough.

I love 'The Wire'. I can't think of a television show that I think is superior to it in any way. I was obsessed with it from the moment it came on the air. I do also love 'Doctor Who' and 'Get Smart'.

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