We never want to toe the line.

I'd like to have more tolerance.

I absolutely loved it in Ireland.

Well, I always leave massive gaps between albums.

People talk about the All Woman video to this day.

The Manchester music scene was very male dominated.

I think I popped out of the womb singing Diana Ross.

My bed is my weird little haven. It's like a deflated tent.

I started to sing professionally when I was about 13 or 14.

I'm a bit of a loose cannon, but it keeps everyone on their toes!

The first writers I knew about were Motown's Holland-Dozier-Holland.

I work out with weights, do yoga and run on the treadmill at the gym.

Fame made me insecure and insular. I wanted to run away from being me.

The fame thing made me run - it got out of hand and I needed to go away.

There was a period in music that didn't suit what I did. I didn't fit in.

I did work incredibly hard but I think there's a certain element of luck.

Singers like Gladys Knight are mostly responsible for how I learned to sing.

I suppose you have to be careful what you sing, because you might have to do it.

You can make a whole album on your telephone, you can make an amazing video too!

Working class people vote Tory because they think it makes them look a bit posh.

If I could change the way I live my life today, I wouldn't change a single thing.

I'm not the sort of person who if everyone thinks you're fabulous you thrive on it.

Probably because the first two albums were so successful, we got a little bit smug.

People thought I disappeared, but I never went away. Music has always been a priority.

I don't watch 'The X Factor,' I don't watch 'The Voice,' so I wouldn't want to do them.

When I make an album I love to spend a long time making it and put my heart and soul into it.

If there's one thing I wish I'd done differently it would be to have invested money in property.

Business people want things to be safe but that's rubbish to me. In music nothing should be safe.

You know, Rochdale is a really nice place, but it's not the most interesting place on the planet.

People compliment me and if I ignore them, it doesn't mean I'm rude. It just means I'm embarrassed.

I was the first white British woman to reach No 1 on the R&B chart - the American black music chart.

I do really good banana bread. And I make a chocolate cake with fudge icing that's bloody delicious.

I go through phases with money. I'll spend it liberally and then I'll panic and won't spend anything.

I was fortunate enough to meet Aretha Franklin but I was so overwhelmed that I just burst out crying.

I think we all suffer the same pain, all feel the same happiness, and we all have the same emotions within us.

I'm proud to be one. I feel a lot stronger, a lot sexier and I think that all of that is reflected in my music.

Whenever I've collaborated with anyone in the past it's just happened really, I've never actively sought it out.

I like to tinkle at my piano when I'm working out a new song - I just put my fingers down and see what comes out.

My mum used to listen to Motown. Diana Ross was my first singing teacher, really. I'd just sing along all the time.

Falling in love is an absolutely beautiful thing to go through, and why people shouldn't talk about it is beyond me.

The power of music is a wonderful thing. It can make us happy, make us cry. It can make us forget and make us remember.

Deeper' feels like we did when we made the first few albums. It's got that excitement. It felt like a voyage of discovery.

It's quite amazing how obsessed everyone is by 'Strictly Come Dancing.' I don't watch it so I don't know anything about it.

I think that if you hear music young, whatever music you hear influences you. I'm white, but I've been influenced by black music.

I've got a good imagination, so I can see someone arguing over a parking ticket and imagine they're getting a divorce or something.

I knew I'd made it when I was sitting on the bus into Rochdale and there was an old man listening to one of my songs. It was fantastic.

To me to singing is like a freedom. It's a very therapeutic thing. It's incredible. I can just lose myself. It's sort of like meditation.

Because everyone has love or wants love there are always problems. And if you don't have problems, you're probably leading a boring life.

You know that something is good but you never really know how good. You always underestimate how much of an impact something is going to have.

I know I idolise someone like Billie Holiday, but I don't look at her and think I have to imitate her lifestyle, to try and sing like she did.

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