There is no definition of beauty, but when you can see someone's ...

There is no definition of beauty, but when you can see someone's spirit coming through, something unexplainable, that's beautiful to me.

I'm not perfect at all.

I'm a major bath person.

I love observing people.

All my boys make me laugh.

I am scared of becoming a mother.

Beauty comes from the happiness within.

I have been working since I was 14, nonstop.

To me, the coolest are the terminally uncool.

Solitude has its own very strange beauty to it.

I have a lot of opinions, and I'm pretty bossy.

Beauty is not defined by the size of your jeans.

I don't think I'm particularly beautiful at all.

There's nothing like the smell of grilling flesh.

I don't think a lot of really good films get seen.

My favorite thing is to get my nails done or get a facial.

I've always been very shy at auditioning; I'm not so great at it.

I just learned that, even though in a past life, I was a model, too.

There's no cream that can fix you if you're not beautiful on the inside.

I learned that you lean into your family, ask for help, and show compassion.

I think it's healthy for couples to be away from each other for short periods.

I carry a little collection of jewelry I love with me, in case I need diamonds.

In my twenties, I definitely had a sense of wanting to create stability for myself.

I would rather share one lifetime with you than face all the ages of this world alone.

I'm spiritual, yes, but I don't think about Judgment Day. I don't think about an angry God.

I wash my hair with Pantene every other day unless I have gorgeous hair left over from an event.

Oh, my God, this amazing cool breeze is coming through my window and the sun is shining. I'm happy.

All I can say is the most important part of being in a relationships that you love the person for who they are.

Hopefully, I can continue to do anything I want. I just want to do things that I'm passionate about in this life.

I love to go shopping at Target. They have so much stuff there, you can buy almost anything, it's really amazing.

When you meet kin, there is an energy and sparkle between your bodies. It must be chemical somehow - DNA and genes.

My diary is a disaster...I can't spell at all...I'll spell the same word completely differently in the same sentence.

I'm obsessed with beauty - seriously, one of my dreams is to write a book about beauty secrets and do a skincare line.

When I was pregnant. I exercised and was healthy, but it was also the first time since I was 14 that I wasn't on a diet.

My dad wears girls' clothes - it's so funny. Sometimes I see him and I'm like, 'Nice shirt!,' because it's from my closet.

Life excites me-just little, normal, everyday things. Getting out of bed. Getting dressed. Making food. I find it all exciting.

I've sung my whole life. I've taken lots of voice lessons and I love to sing. But I've never really sung professionally at all.

As a parent, my fantasy is to cook every meal, read every story, do everything, and also work all day. I'm overly hard on myself.

Working with Bernardo Bertolucci was one of the greatest highlights of my whole life. It was such an incredible opportunity for me.

I've been spending this last month trying to find four outfits to wear to the different premieres of The Two Towers. It's hard work.

I cried on my 18th birthday. I thought 17 was such a nice age. You're young enough to get away with things, but you're old enough, too.

The age I'm at now, you go from being a young girl to suddenly you blossom into a woman. You ripen, you know? And then you start to rot.

The age I'm at now... you go from being a young girl to suddenly, you blossom into a woman. You ripen, you know? And then you start to rot!

Casey Affleck is a really good friend of mine. I know Casey a lot better than I know Ben, even though Ben and I have worked together a lot.

It was a very good experience. It wasnt just to make a movie, it was my life. I was employed at The Lord of the Rings for a year and a half.

Always the light fixtures I love are Italian, from the '50s and '60s. I'm like, 'What's that? I want it!' And it's always $40,000 vintage Italian.

Both my fathers are unconventional. They are like unicorns or wizards. They are musicians through and through. The way they think is just different.

People are always telling me how much they loved 'Empire Records.' We had so much fun making that movie. I was so young - 16 or 17. I still had a tutor!

~[My son] is at that age now where he's so loving and says the sweetest things to me. Of course, I still get karate chops and all those other sort of things, too.~

I love my dad, although I'm definitely critical of him sometimes, like when his pants are too tight. But I love him so much and I try to be really supportive of him.

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