I used to be hated by people.

I'm not afraid of cockroaches.

For cardio, I run every Sunday.

Narratives are very important to me.

It's been in my nature to always be nurturing.

I would like to do a horror film with zombies!

Never expect anything, but plan for everything.

I love being in disguise whenever I go to the mall.

I don't think it's a sin to be friends with your ex.

I need to build my stamina, so I go to the gym regularly.

All I want is to live a happy, healthy and contented life.

I like to be surprised! But it's always hard to surprise me.

When I'm reading a book, I don't notice the passing of time.

I love arts and crafts. They used to be my favorite in school.

That's the best gift you can give to your parents - a diploma.

I'm not really big on gifts. I like giving back on my birthday.

I take selfies just so I know what I look like before I go on cam.

I don't like overdoing my makeup, especially with the face powder.

One of the common conditions on both sides of my families is diabetes.

I'm not good at answering questions. I always get myself into trouble.

What legacy can I leave behind to everybody that they will remember me?

I really wanted to do 'Darna.' I invested so much time, so much effort.

I like my coffee sweet and creamy, that's why I drink Great Taste White.

Of course, there are things I'm afraid of, but I'm not afraid of insects.

I don't have enough time to actually prepare, to actually commit to being a beauty queen.

I want people who visit my Instagram account to realize how hard I've worked for everything I have now.

At the end of the day, I make sure to remove my makeup. I also drink a lot of water and use a good soap.

I wanna try doing a movie similar to 'The Walking Dead,' an action-horror, or something similar to 'Lara Croft.'

My most memorable role would have to be Agnes Calay of 'Forevermore,' probably because it was my first lead role.

My grandfather, Daddy Jeff, made me promise to him that even though I'm already an actress, I'd still finish school.

I think it's very important that I don't lose my circle of friends and the people who helped me get to where I am now.

To be honest, I've never told anybody they have bad breath. When I do recognize that, I try not to breathe when they come near.

People always say that I'm just a beautiful face. So immediately, I knew what I wanted. I wanted to be recognized to be more than that.

I am all about self-improvement and becoming the best version of myself, it could be in my career, my finance, or just life in general.

I have to work hard to show people that I'm more than what they see physically; that I'm talented, and that I care and have empathy for people.

If I were to do a solo movie, I'd like to try another genre so that people can see another side of me, since I've been doing mostly rom-coms and drama.

You don't get into a relationship just for the sake of having a boyfriend. Of course, you have hopes and dreams that your first relationship will be your last.

When I dream, I don't just dream for myself. As long as you have that love and these dreams that you want to reach for the people you love dearly, you stay inspired.

Even if you have so many people saying, 'Yes, this is for you! This is your path!' unless you feel it... It needs to be your own passion, it needs to be your own will.

I guess it became easier for me to accept negative comments about my work, my profession - anything work-related because like I said I take them as positive criticisms.

Throughout the years, I've grown up in front of the limelight as a model and an actress and I believe makeup plays an important part in building the confidence to feel beautiful.

I continued school August of 2018. I went back but I shifted my course because in 2017, I was taking up business management and then I stopped because I realized I wasn't passionate about it.

We read this article that discussed the shape of our hearts. It said that God shaped the heart that way in order for us to find our other half - the other part that would complete the shape. Quen completes me.

I think me, as a person, I'm starting to become more comfortable with myself as an actress, and I'm also gaining a bit more confidence to speak up because before when I have problems, I just keep them to myself.

The most difficult part of portraying 'Darna' would probably be the timing when you do stunts. You have to look strong but you can't be too strong because you don't want to hurt the person you are doing the scene with.

I don't want to say I'm closing the doors to this possibility completely. It's just that I'm very passionate about my acting and being a beauty queen takes time. I'd have to prepare physically. I'd have to perfect my walk. And since I'm no beauty queen, this requires a lot of training.

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