I love Paul Pogba.

I'm a cuddler; I like harmony.

Football is not only sunshine.

You cannot always blame others if things go wrong.

I think my breakthrough was at the World Cup 1986.

Winning is the most important thing at a World Cup.

I think football is football, politics is politics.

I'm actually a very simple person. A very normal man.

Back in my days, my favorite opponent was Diego Maradona.

Every good German team has strong leadership in the side.

If you are champions, you have to work harder than before.

If Messi is on top form, then his team can win everything.

I hold Jonas Hector in high esteem, and he is a good player.

Winning the World Cup was just the most emotional experience.

The best day of my career was probably winning the World Cup!

Iceland won't change. No matter who they play, they're 4-4-2.

The typical German coach wants things done one way - his way.

Kroos was right to go abroad. It was like winning the lottery.

If someone plays six World Cups, they deserve to be congratulated.

Age is just a number when you possess real quality and a game plan.

I'm proud I was first to be named World Player of the Year, in 1991.

Toni Kroos leaving the German national team would hurt me very much.

At Wembley, everything is bigger, wider; the atmosphere is different.

I wouldn't want to play as left forward if I normally play right-back.

Guardiola won so many trophies at Barcelona that he had a huge impact.

My wife is from Russia. I like the country, the mentality of the people.

Bayern is always a team that can win the Champions League title in Europe.

Andres Iniesta is the magic man, not just for Barcelona but also for Spain.

Robert Lewandowski has had some criticism, but he knows how to find the net.

When Messi has the ball centrally, with time, he has so many options to hurt you.

Ozil obviously has a lot of quality, but so does Sami Khedira as holding midfielder.

I live in Budapest and saw how the football helped the Hungarian people to be happy.

He just has the knack, the ability, to do something special and crucial. This is Messi.

Nobody needs to talk about the history of Manchester United because everybody knows it.

Diego Simeone, the coach from Atletico Madrid, was a very strong player as a midfielder.

When Messi gets the chance to go one against one, he is very difficult to stop on his own.

I'm not a fan of Paul Pogba. Maybe he is a talent, but I don't see him as any more than that.

I love Mbappe. He is so quick, carries the ball so fast, and can run the length of the pitch.

I am not a superstar, nor do I want to be remembered as one. I have always been a team player.

We want to see football. If people want to see acting, they go somewhere else, not the stadium.

Football in Italy at the end of the '80s and beginning of '90s was the best all over the world.

Competition is good for any player as long as they react the right way and use it as motivation.

I want to show people how I really am. Most people are only familiar with some of the headlines.

I had a couple of severe injuries, and it's not easy to watch your team from a bed in a hospital!

If you concede early against a quality team, you have to play more openly - and can get picked off.

People talk about Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo, but you need an Iniesta to win the big titles.

If there's one thing that fans like to see, it's a player who can run at full speed towards the goal.

Dele Alli doesn't have to show me or anyone else anything - because he has already proved his quality.

Guardiola likes footballers who can pass the ball, who have eyes for the best position and the right runs.

I'm always pretty cautious when people say that one player could single-handedly help his side to a trophy.

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