Music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy.

Music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy.

I shall hear in heaven.

Music can change the world.

I love a tree more than a man.

Handel, to him I bow the knee.

ever thine, ever mine, ever ours

I shall seize fate by the throat.

Wherever you are, I am there also.

I want to seize fate by the throat.

Artists are fiery; they do not weep.

Friends applaud, the comedy is over.

The guitar is an orchestra in itself.

Art always demands of us something new.

To play without passion is inexcusable!

Love demands all, and has a right to all.

Music comes to me more readily than words.

Fate gave to man the courage of endurance.

Only the pure in heart can make a good soup.

The amount of money one needs is terrifying.

Music is like a dream. One that I cannot hear.

I can live only wholly with you or not at all.

Art demands of us that we shall not stand still.

To me the highest thing, after God, is my honor.

I know no other sign of superiority than Goodness.

I liked your opera. I think I will set it to music.

From the glow of enthusiasm I let the melody escape.

A great poet is the most precious jewel of a nation.

Music is mediator between spiritual and sensual life.

Let your deafness no longer be a secret - even in art.

Only art and science can raise men to the level of God.

Everything should be at once surprising and inevitable.

Mistakes - mistakes - you yourself are a unique mistake!

Only the flint of a man's mind can strike fire in music.

An artist is someone who has learned to trust in himself.

We all make mistakes, but everyone makes different mistakes

If I contemplate myself as part of the Universe: what am I?

After Rossini dies, who will be there to promote his music?

Applaud my friends, the comedy is over... [on his death bed]

Do you think I give a damn about your and your pathetic violin?

I know of no more sacred duty than to rear and educate a child.

Love, and love alone, is capable of giving thee a happier life.

Music is the mediator between the spiritual and the sensual life.

Don't only practise your art, but force your way into its secrets.

Hide your secret even from the closest friend; learn to be silent.

This is not a brook [Bach means "brook" in German], it's an ocean.

I would rather write 10,000 notes than a single letter of the alphabet.

Strange, I feel as if up to now I had written no more than a few notes.

There is no greater pleasure for me than to practice and exhibit my art.

Music is indeed the mediator between the spiritual and the sensual life.

Anyone who tells a lie has not a pure heart, and cannot make a good soup.

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