Man, I hate vegetables.

I am big fan of Arsenal.

I don't play for recognition.

I get up early and go to bed early.

I don't like sneaking up on people.

I've played with a lot of injuries.

I know how to put the ball in the hoop.

As good as Miami is, we'd rather go to Miami.

Playing defense hard gets me going offensively.

Nobody ever remembers the worst film they ever saw.

It is just a great honour to be representing Great Britain.

If someone shows me love, I always want to double that love.

I think that my offense comes from what I do with my defense.

It's no good playing through pain if you're damaging yourself.

I think it's always going to be strange for me facing the Bulls.

Sometimes people take struggling on the court to an extreme level.

I always believe every team that wins has to go through some things.

London is where I grew up, and I know it better than any other place.

A lot of people experience racism at different times on different terms.

My whole life, every time I've been down, I've found a way to turn it around.

I have friends who ended up playing professionally in the Middle East and Europe.

We talk about players going broke, but we don't talk about why that is happening.

No matter what I do for the rest of my career, I think I'll always be a Bulls guy.

I think injuries happen. You can prevent a lot of them, but some of them you can't.

I play the same, contract or no contract, because trade-talk is part of basketball.

I work hard. I never want to live with that feeling that I've disappointed somebody.

We had a court, and my brothers would play outdoors, with rims barely hanging in there.

Whoever Barcelona are playing, you're just interested to watch because Messi's playing.

I wouldn't like to be invisible for a day. But if I was... I'd probably be up to no good.

Earlier in my career, a lot of guys wanted individual numbers and to do well individually.

They were just accidents. Luke said he was just testing my concussion. I'm not mad at him.

I'm a big believer in that I'm here for a reason, and I don't want to forget where I'm from.

I've always wanted to have some sort of academy or program that links education and basketball.

I know that, me being from Sudan and London, it's a big honour to have even made it to the NBA.

You always - as a basketball player, as a competitor - that's where you speak most: on the court.

Throughout my career, I've never really been a guy who created drama or wanted to deal with drama.

We just couldn't hit shots. We had good looks but they weren't falling and we kept turning the ball over.

Because I was the youngest boy, I was always my mom's favorite - and my brothers were always tough on me.

I don't mind someone saying I'm not good enough. It hurts more when someone says you're faking an injury.

Men from my tribe in Sudan - the Dinka tribe - are very tall, so you could say I was born to play basketball.

The older you get, the more you appreciate where you are and the more confidence you have in what you can do.

I only lived in Sudan until I was four years, so I cannot really relate to that. It is just a different lifestyle.

Even in high school, when I had injuries, I tried to play with them. When I shouldn't have worked out, I worked out.

The best thing I learned from Manute was to be selfless. He was always about his people. He was about helping others.

I've never been in a place where I've walked in the street and actually feel home, where I don't feel like a refugee.

I've been in situations in my career where I've had slumps and struggles. I always stick with it and just keep working.

Every single team that I've played for, every single person would tell you that I've given it everything every single day.

I try to let my highs not be too high and my lows not be too low. And I do that just because I try to control my emotions.

When you have a new coach, a couple new guys, and a young team, the frustrating part throughout the year is the up and down.

To me, somebody can say what they want about me all day, whether it's my game or my personality or who I am as a human being.

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