Kemo Sabe, kiss my ass.

Home is where my horse is.

Fortunately, I've never had a job

Fortunately, I've never had a job.

If it's not too late, make it a cheese-burger

I married her just because she looks like you.

What would we do if we didn't try? We have to try.

There's no bad luck, There's just the luck you've found.

Singing your own songs is all about individual expression

Man, I need to impress her, cause I'd like to undress her.

You have to be really good to get away with smashing a guitar.

That's right, you're not from Texas. But Texas wants you anyways.

My favorite Aggie joke? I'm sorry I don't understand the question

Look around and you will see this world is full of creeps like me.

Denice Franke is a sensitive and compelling singer and songwriter.

I'm really in no danger of being perceived as a famous movie actor!

I am limited by what I can think of to do-my choices are not so great.

I've just always written songs in a style that appeal to me personally.

I've always worked with people who have been supporters of me creatively.

It's important to be successful enough to be able to keep doing what you love.

I played guitar when I was young and never really considered it as a way to make a living

I played guitar when I was young and never really considered it as a way to make a living.

I'm not really a competitive person, and I'm not naturally comfortable in front of people.

I've always thought that writing isn't really that hard. It's having a good idea that's hard.

Horses teach you patience and how to do things the right way so you can get the right result.

Barbecue sauce is like a beautiful woman. If it's too sweet, it's bound to be hiding something.

I've gotten to work with some wonderful directors and people who have been great teachers to me.

You're saying something with your appearance whether you mean to or not, so you may as well mean to.

I don't feel like I'm on a mission. I'm trying to play music that I like to play and like to listen to.

She was ugly from the front, and I said ugly, ugly, ugly, ugly, ugly. Well, I could handle it behind her.

It's really a lot easier to write about things that are problematic. Who wants to hear how happy you are?

I don't ever try to anticipate my audience. I just write the songs I want to write, and hope people like 'em.

Helen Hunt is terrific, and I got to do a couple of guest spots with Helen and Paul Reiser on 'Mad About You.'

When you have a solid upbringing and a strong sense of place, that sustains you. My sense of home never leaves me.

The loss of Jerry Garcia feels like the end of an era in the same way it felt when Elvis died and John Lennon was killed.

I like my audience. I always feel when up on stage performing that I could enjoy having a cup of coffee with any one of them.

I sort of cringe when I hear myself say the word 'work.' Getting to do something you love to do never really feels like work.

You can't second-guess your audience. You can only do what you think is right. If you do that, your audience will appreciate you.

I've been lucky to be able to make the records I've wanted to make. The record company has never pressured me to cut certain songs.

It's true that I did get the girl, but then my grandfather always said, Even a blind chicken finds a few grains of corn now and then.

Who keeps on loving you when you've been lying, saying things that ain't what they seem? God does, but I don't. God will, but I won't.

Songwriters aren't always performers, and even performing songwriters aren't always the kind of show-biz performers you think they'd be.

Every afternoon, I was in the pasture with cattle or fishing and shooting my BB gun. That kind of freedom allows imagination to develop.

My parents worked for Exxon, and they gave me every chance to take part in music. I took guitar lessons, and I was in the choir at school.

The idea that we humans are good-natured, politically correct, nonjudgmental beings is pure fantasy. We are, at the very least, judgmental.

If you forget the words to your own song, you can always claim artistic license. Forget the words to the national anthem and you're screwed.

If you forget the words to your own song, you can always claim artistic license. Forget the words to the national anthem, and you're screwed.

You don't have to have anything in common with people you've known since you were five. With old friends, you've got your whole life in common.

Tipping your hat to a lady is good form. If you're at a dinner table, you'd most certainly take your hat off - cowboy hat, baseball hat, or otherwise.

Never guess a woman's age. Never guess a woman's weight. Never even talk about weight in front of a woman. And never, ever ask a woman when she's due.

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