I'm not perfect. I'm not polished.

I always make sure my lashes look cute.

I think Rihanna's awesome, and I love her music.

I want to get a master's degree in... psychology.

My everyday scent is a unisex perfume by Le Labo.

Being in the studio is my absolute favorite thing.

I could count on one hand how many times I've worked out.

I'm from Long Island, which is a very cookie-cutter place.

Im not big on make up. I only have a make up artist for events.

Hunan Taste is definitely my favorite restaurant in Long Island.

I love Charli XCX, so getting to work with her was really inspiring.

Don't attack a girl because you see one photo of her and a guy in public.

I use the Tatcha Cleansing Oil. That's probably what I splurge on the most.

I always said that I want to sell out Madison Square Garden before I turn 21.

Most of my songs are written about movies or TV shows - they're not about me.

When I was 13, I posted a video of myself singing a Bruno Mars song on YouTube.

When you're walking in heels in a long dress, you're bound to fall at some point.

People would expect me to be this ditzy, bubblegum-pop girl. I was selling myself short.

I've always liked the really short dresses that are tight up top and poofy at the bottom.

90% of my clothes are from vintage stores. It's not about where you buy but how you look.

It's fine if you doubt me. Underestimate me, because then I'll just impress you, you know.

I'm more eager to have kids than I am to go back to college. I want to be a mom really badly.

I hate nothing more than feeling rushed to write a song or feeling like I have to write a song.

I like when my freckles show or when I do shoots and they accentuate them. It's such a compliment.

I stopped using make up wipes, and it made my skin so much better. They messed up my skin big time.

The most beautiful people are those who are truly themselves, and that's what I want to show my fans.

It's important to drive your own ship, and it's your career, so you might as well take it by the reins.

To my younger self, I would say not to be so hard on yourself. I think that you are your biggest critic.

We don't really have any big family traditions; just spending time with each other is the most important part.

I usually go to sleep with wet hair. When I wake up, it either has a really pretty wave, or I look like a poodle.

You should realize that there is only one version of yourself in the world and that your flaws make you beautiful.

I honestly believe going independent is the future. Social is changing, Spotify is changing, everything is changing.

I have a very intrusive life, I guess you could say. I think that a lot of people know too much about me, truthfully.

Something most people don't know about me is that I'm quite the loner, I would say. I don't really ever leave my house.

The worst thing any of us can do for our self-esteem is compare ourselves to others, and that's especially true of women.

At the end of the day, if you feel like you're a good person, and your intentions are good, then that's all that matters.

One thing I love about Lady Gaga is I feel like her sound is always evolving and changing with her and her phases of life.

When I do sultry, bronzey eyeshadow, my eyes look greener, and when I wear dark or black colors, my eyes get a lot browner.

I take off my makeup with coconut oil some nights. It sounds like it would clog your pores, but I swear it's saved my skin.

I hope it never gets to that point that I'm gonna have people around me that are using me. I'm very good with noticing that.

I was very aware of 'League of Legends' because my brother plays it a lot, but I hadn't gotten the chance to play it before.

One day, I could be wearing biker boots and a leather outfit, and the next day, I could be wearing a flower dress and sandals.

It feels like I've been singing since I was born, and I have so many great memories with my family and friends centred around music.

I want to be role model for people to be like, 'I don't need a major label to be a successful artist and to have a successful song.'

I truly believe that diversity is so important, and I hope that I can use my platform to encourage and inspire other aspiring female artists.

Not every girl who wears makeup feels like, 'Oh, I'm so ugly without it.' I wear makeup because it's fun to put on, and I feel pretty with it on.

I've definitely had my fair share of guys being a little too much with me, and they think just because they follow me on Instagram, they know me.

Something that I've learned to love about myself is my freckles. I used to absolutely hate them; I even looked into ways I could get them removed.

The song 'Tyler Durden' is about the movie 'Fight Club,' so obviously, it's not a personal experience, but I love that song. It's my favorite song.

I think it's important for people to be themselves and express themselves through their makeup or their hair or their perfume or whatever it may be.

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