Only when I'm dancing can I feel this free.

Nothing really matters; love is all we need.

Hey, wait a minute, I was a Spice Girl once!

Manipulating people, that's what I'm good at

I hate being called a pop star. I hate that.

In the midnight hour I can feel your power...

My daughter's birth was like a rebirth for me.

I refuse to act the way someone expects me to.

Like a virgin, touched for the very first time.

When I get down on my knees, it is not to pray.

I would like to see the Pope wearing my T-shirt.

The world is not so kind, people trap your mind.

Let’s forget about time And dance our lives away

Who needs a smile when a tear's so full of love?

I hope my child will be a good Catholic like me.

I am my own experiment. I am my own work of art.

My home base - pop music and the Catholic Church.

I always thought I should be treated like a star.

Sex is the most fun you can have without smiling.

If you want to change the world, change yourself.

Having money is just the best thing in the world.

Just like a prayer, your voice can take me there.

I always acted like a star long before I was one.

I like talking; I like playing with the audience.

My priority is my family, absolutely, 100 percent.

If you don't vote, you're going to get a spanking.

I'm not going to compromise my artistic integrity.

I was a buffoon and an idiot until the age of forty

A good relationship is a competition of generosity.

May the angels protect you, and sadness forget you.

My life is not a game that I play to entertain you.

I don't trust any man who hasn't kissed another man.

Don't go for second best. Put your love to the test.

There's no greater power than the power of good-bye.

Who needs the sun, when the rain is so full of life?

I'm tough, ambitious and I know exactly what I want.

It's weird juggling children in a rhinestone outfit.

I'm attracted to men who are going to stand up to me.

Education is not a luxury, it is a basic human right.

Hollywood, how can it hurt you when it looks so good?

Hey you! Don't be silly! Put a rubber on your willie!

I worship F. Scott Fitzgerald and I love his writing.

It's none of your business what people say about you.

I'm tough, ambitious, and I know exactly what I want.

I don't think about my old stuff. I just move forward.

I'll rest when I'm dead. I'm hungry and life is short!

Making records is not how it used to be! #stillwerking

If I have a problem, I want to work it out, right now.

People love pitting strong females against each other.

Everyone who knows me thinks I'm a bit of a work Nazi.

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