Beer makes people deaf.

It's a bomb. Just like you.

I'm sorry no one saved you.

The boy had my wolf's eyes.

his voice was centuries old

Creative" "Dangerously emo.

She couldn't make it untrue.

it's just another way to die

We don't have time to be sad

you wanted saving didn't you?

Nothing had changed. Nothing.

Dying's a boring side effect.

Hope hurt more than the cold.

Clutter is my natural habitat.

This car was a very pretty lie.

Sam: “I—it’s—I’m not an animal.

Avoidance is a wonderful therapy

Death smells like birthday cake.

I’m not looking for self-control.

whoopdie-friggin-doo, fooled you!

Silence was never a wrong answer.

I looked good when I sang the end.

But love isn't quantifiable on paper.

Scent is the strongest tie to memory.

Now I am the unknown, the unknowable.

Your hair is all funky in the morning.

You're getting your weird all over me.

Some people see what they want to see.

Cole," I said, "Don't lose this number.

a life is measured by moments like these

Sam," she said, and I crushed her to me.

I loved you so much right then Sam Roth.

The world needs more love at first sight.

I'm not done writing songs about you yet.

Reality's what other people dream for you.

I whisper like the sea in the horse's ear.

names are a way to keep people in your mind

Knowing what I was, and wanting me, anyway.

here we were again , always saying good-bye

Mother and daughter like spoons in a drawer.

I always listen to you. Except when I don't.

Ronan Lynch lived with every sort of secret.

is this fragile love/ a way/ to say/ goodbye

Arbores loqui latine. The trees speak Latin.

My good mood felt like an endangered species.

Why did everything feel like saying good-bye?

This is Rilke. I wish I had written it for you.

How do you get 'feng shui' out of 'thoughtful'?

Strange what love taught you about your faults.

Books are more real when you read them outside.

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