'The Shining' scares me so much.

I think it's good to conquer the fears.

I'm an only child, and we're a close family.

I think a superhero would be awesome to play.

There is something so fun about scaring yourself.

I think it's really good to get the adrenaline pumping.

It's awesome when people respond to your movie and love it.

When I'm filming, it's in the contract - 'No kiteboarding' - ha ha.

To be honest, you don't get the full picture when you read a script.

Acting is such a crazy industry, but kite boarding keeps me grounded.

Surprisingly, I am great at kiteboarding, but I'm not great at surfing.

I love James Brown, and as a baby, I was always dancing to James Brown.

It would be incredible to work with Stanley Kubrick and go back in time.

I think 'The Shining' is one of the first horror movies I remember seeing.

I remember reading 'The Guest' and thinking, 'This is going to be something!'

I grew up really loving old-school horror such as 'Halloween' and 'The Birds.'

I guess becoming an adult and learning how to survive on your own is exciting.

'The Shining,' 'A Nightmare on Elm Street,' 'Halloween.' Those are the greats.

I want to work hard, and when good roles come along I don't want to pass them up.

I'm lucky because I remember my dad showing me 'Independence Day,' and I loved it.

What I love about my job is challenging myself and finding weird, different roles.

I like to think that I've grown as an actor and things have changed, and I think so.

I grew up such a horror fan, it's kinda cool being named 'Scream Queen.' I like that.

When I was living in the Dominican Republic, the local kids became a part of my family.

Cheerleader roles are really not my thing. I want things that are weird or not typical.

Do stuff that scares you on a regular basis. I think it's good for the body and for the mind.

I've never experienced complete terror, knock on wood, or running for my life or any of that.

They have so many great horror movies made in the '80s. I mean, the old-school horror is so good.

You go to see movies to feel something, and being terrified - there's something so fun about that.

I just want to go for it. In every aspect of my life and careers, I just want to give it all I have.

In the Dominican Republic, my mom and I lived in this little tiny town called Cabarete, which is very poor.

You learn so much on set; I don't know if you learn as much anywhere else as you do when you're on set, working.

I wasn't thinking that I was two horrors back to back; I was thinking these were characters that I want to play.

There's a lot of comedy in 'The Guest,' so it was a bit more fun in a sense - it wasn't so heavy like 'It Follows.'

I fell in love with the whole process of making a movie. I loved the sets. I loved watching the actors and the crew.

You can learn more from a person just from their observations and how they see the world. More so than just talking.

I grew up with horror. My dad loves movies, and he passed a lot of them on to me. There's something so fun about them.

I'd love, love, love to do a comedy. I can't imagine being on set and being happy and cheerful. That seems so foreign.

I think, specifically with the horror genre, you have to make it very believable because it can come across ridiculous.

I've seen so many scripts, and I want to do everything. Like with kiteboarding, you have to be fearless. I'm not scared.

I would really love to play a superhero. That is definitely up there on my list. Captain Marvel especially. That would be so cool.

My dad showed me loads of films when I was young, but I never thought I would be in movies. That didn't seem like a real job to me.

I have my own past and my own personality. I'm going to relate to the material in a completely different way than somebody else might.

I'm a huge fan of the first 'Independence Day.' It is amazing. When it came out in 1995, just how explosive and big it was... I loved it.

For me, it's first about the characters. I look for a character who is intriguing and challenging and different from what I've done before.

If I met Jack Nicholson, I would probably get a little flustered. Not going to lie. I've watched his movies since I was so young. Such a fan.

I don't look at myself as a Scream Queen, and I don't plan on continuing on this genre route. If anything, I want to go very different places.

There are definitely scripts I start reading, where it doesn't interest me. Maybe it'll be a good movie, but the character doesn't intrigue me.

With kiting, you have to land a trick, and in that instant you know whether you won or lost - I knew I could become the best in the world if I trained

There's a lot of garbage, and then there are those ones that just stand out so incredibly. You fight for those roles; you do everything in your power to get it.

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