The visionary starts with a clean sheet of paper, and re-imagines the ...

The visionary starts with a clean sheet of paper, and re-imagines the world.

Those three things - autonomy, complexity, and a connection between ...

Those three things - autonomy, complexity, and a connection between effort and reward - are, most people will agree, the three qualities that work has to have if it is to be satisfying.

Emotion is contagious.

Arousal leaves us mind-blind.

People don't rise from nothing.

We should be firing bad teachers.

I don't like things that aren't true.

Achievement is talent plus preparation

Visionaries are limited by their visions.

Nobody accomplishes success by themselves.

People are experience-rich and theory-poor.

My mother read me biblical stories at night.

Poverty is not deprivation, it is isolation.

the 10,000hr rule is a definite key in success

The difference isn't resources, it's attitude.

The underdog winning is the romantic position.

Father: 'Anything but journalism.' I rebelled.

As a writer, the best mindset is to be unafraid.

I try to be unafraid of making a fool of myself.

Shallow communities are relatively easy to build.

Working really hard is what successful people do.

Lesson Number One: The Importance of Being Jewish

I don't golf. I've never golfed. I will never golf.

Incompetence annoys me. Overconfidence terrifies me.

Who we are cannot be separated from where we're from.

I wrote my first book when I was in my late thirties.

Did they know why they knew? Not at all. But the Knew!

I never had those dreams of making the Olympics. Never.

Change your mind about something significant every day.

People in great institutions are occasionally credulous.

You don't manage a social wrong. You should be ending it.

It's not about how smart you are. It's about your values.

Often a sign of expertise is noticing what doesn't happen.

The successful are those who have been given opportunities.

In the act of tearing something apart, you lose its meaning.

We need to look at the subtle, the hidden, and the unspoken.

If you're smarter than me, you shouldn't be reading my books.

In the government's eyes, the Branch Davidians were a threat.

We can unravel the logic behind who succeeds and who doesn't.

You need to have the ability to gracefully navigate the world.

Hard work is a prison sentence only if it does not have meaning.

I'm a purist: I start to wrinkle my nose when the Cold War ends.

The act of facing overwhelming odds produces greatness and beauty.

Sometimes the most modest changes can bring about enormous effects.

A lot of what is most beautiful about the world arises from struggle.

If you play an audiotape of a yawn to blind people, they'll yawn too.

Innovation-the heart of the knowledge economy-is fundamentally social.

Do you remember the wrestler Andre the Giant? Famous. He had acromegaly.

I have a new way of doing things, and I don’t care if you think I’m crazy.

My books have contradictions all the time - and people are fine with that.

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