I am a big believer in balance.

Total Divas' was a great opportunity.

My brothers nicknamed me 'Hamburgers.'

I'm lucky to have good genes, and life's all about balance.

It's such a more mainstream demographic that watches 'Total Divas.'

After college I started training to be a wrestler which led me to the WWE.

The NXT Universe is blessed to have The Golden Goddess of WWE, Mandy Rose.

Why not mesh the brands more? I don't think there is anything wrong with that.

Women are breaking down barriers, I'm so grateful and honored to be a part of it.

You know my character, I'm obviously that sexy-hot bombshell that nobody else has.

Performing for live audiences and seeing the fans' faces is a thrill like no other.

I played basketball, softball and lacrosse, also did gymnastics and danced for years.

I've always been very independent and driven to make my own money and to achieve my goals.

My first love will always be fitness, so I want to share that with as many people as I can.

I was studying speech-language pathology at Iona College and I got my bachelor's degree there.

We are foodies, we love to eat, my dad's a chef, and coming from an Italian family, we love to eat.

I trained my butt off and competed and got to where I wanted to be from rigorous training and dieting.

With consistency and reps and routine you're going to achieve your goals and get where you want to be.

I went through all the rigorous training and dieting for my bikini training, but I also want to enjoy life.

Reality TV has its perks and has given me a ton of exposure, not only in WWE, but also in mainstream media.

The good thing I have to say about Sonya and I, even as a tag team we do get some opportunities for singles matches.

I'm always in front of the camera, always traveling and getting out of airports and skincare is very important to me.

I was raised in an Italian-American family in the suburbs of Westchester County, just a little north of New York City.

I'm the superstar that would go on 'Good Morning America,' and represent WWE as a company as a whole and be their woman.

I've been passionate about fitness my entire life, and the ability to compete for the 'Tough Enough' crown is truly rewarding.

That's the great thing about 'Total Divas,' is that it brings fans in that weren't already watching or wouldn't normally watch.

I always watch my matches back 100 times afterwards because that's how I improve. This is something I've always done, even in NXT.

I've always wanted to get involved in beauty and skincare, and I'm so grateful that I'm able to because of hard work and determination.

We're here for the fans. At the end of the day, that's what WWE is all about. If we can put a smile on their faces, we've done our job.

Being on 'Raw,' being part of the first-ever women's Royal Rumble match and the first-ever Elimination Chamber was incredibly exciting.

Being able to train and compete alongside the WWE - which houses some of the world's most talented athletes - is an amazing opportunity.

It gets to be tiring and you want to get sleep instead of get up and go to the gym. So you have to balance your time and go by how you feel.

When you get to the main roster it changes a little bit because you're more on your own, you fit in your training when you can, but it's hard.

The reason I fell in love with fitness was because of the way I felt after a workout, even looking in the mirror afterward and feeling good about myself.

Sonya has opened up a huge light for me. Now that we travel so much together around the world, she's helped me open up and be so involved in the LGBTQ community.

I feel like, yeah, why not do inter-gender matches? It brings entertainment. It brings a lot of different viewers and demographics and all that, so why not do it?

When you see the Elimination Chamber on TV, it obviously looks intimidating and huge. But when you're there in person and inside it, it's a whole different ballgame.

Once I started training at the Performance Center, getting in the groove of the schedule, and really getting used to that, I really loved it because I'm big with routine.

You can get a million different opinions from different people, but I always like to watch myself to see what I did and how I performed because the best critic is yourself.

I didn't grow up dreaming of being the next WWE superstar, to be honest. But I think that it doesn't matter how old you are. When you see something you like, you want to pursue it.

I take a lot of pride in my brand on social media and the other brands that I work with. Social media is an amazing place and platform to communicate with your fans and supporters.

Clearly, NXT has been blessed with amazing, one-of-a-kind athletes. Our talent have great figures, they're charismatic and beautiful in their own way. However, I am the total package.

I feel like in general that if Mandy Rose won the title, it would be more relevant. I have what it takes to be that mainstream woman on every billboard, on every poster, on every talk show.

I train five to six days a week, in developmental you're training in the ring and in the gym, so that's a crazy schedule. One you get to the main you're on your own and you do what you want.

Being a WWE Superstar, you have - I don't want to say a short shelf life, but it's more like sometimes you've got to look to the future and you've gotta plan ahead. It's not gonna last forever.

I always said, even in Developmental, 'Yeah, I'm the beauty and all that. I'm the hot one, the sexy one - but I also have the brains and the strength to back it up.' So, that was my biggest thing.

When I worked at my father's deli in Carmel, New York when I was young, my experience waiting on customers and interacting with people all day taught me so many social skills and helped me open up.

Mandy Rose is basically an exaggerated version of myself. It's all about confidence. She's a bit of a mean girl and 'I'm prettier than you and better than you.' I'm not quite like that in real life.

Being brought in with Absolution and our mentor, Paige, I think it's really cool, and really full circle since she was our judge on 'Tough Enough,' and she hated me. She was rough with me, but I get it.

The meshing of the brands is great. I think it brings excitement. It brings anticipation of not knowing who's going to be on 'Monday Night Raw' or on 'Tuesday Night SmackDown' so I think it's really awesome.

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