Football is so difficult to predict.

I didn't have a voice or a vote at Madrid.

Lionel Messi is very difficult to contain.

The Premier league is better with Mourinho.

I've always dreamed of managing Real Madrid.

I enjoy England and enjoy the Premier League.

I always give a lot of importance to the cups.

I've always said that I love the Spanish league.

I love the pressure of managing Manchester United

For some players, it is a dream to play at Madrid.

Always at Goodison Park, Everton is a very good team.

It is never a problem to have good players on the bench.

I would be happy to go back to Spain at the right moment.

You will never see players from City surround the referee.

I do not think my career is over after being at Real Madrid.

This hunger of triumph is fundamental in order to get results.

Cristiano's strength always gives the team a boost in every way.

I will never play to just score one goal, then run behind the ball.

As a manager, I won eight trophies in Chile, Ecuador, and Argentina.

You always depend on what the owners think of the job you are doing.

Any coach who's managed a big club in Argentina can manage anywhere.

I went to Villarreal for 30% less than I could have earned in Mexico.

I have enough problems trying to manage a team, without managing the FA.

As a manager, you worry about any different issue you have in your squad.

Yaya is a great player, a top player that plays in every part of the role.

I think football must be attractive for fans, and that means scoring goals.

You need the desire to demonstrate the way you can play, which team you are.

I love pressure; to manage such a big club as Manchester United is very good.

I had no interest in continuing with Real Madrid in the way that we were working.

We know that we have achieved something important for the club and for Villarreal.

It's not my duty to respond to what Mourinho says. I don't know the way he thinks.

I've changed my character 100 per cent; if not, I could never have become a manager.

If you give time and space to players, they will make good decisions and score goals.

I am sure that the important managers always want to work here in the Premier League.

In the Premier League, you can't play against anyone if you don't play at a high pace.

From a personal perspective, I try never to go back to a club where I have already coached.

We cannot try to play in a manner that does not correspond to our players' characteristics.

It's very difficult to have the same motivation in the season after you've won two trophies.

When you need to renew your contract, you must demonstrate why they are renewing your contract.

It is impossible for you to be remembered as a great team if you do not win the Champions League.

As for Kaka, he is a superstar... someone who can change the tempo of the game as well as the team.

The pressure at Real Madrid is independent of the outcome of other teams and is always the highest.

There are lots of different ways to play football; I choose one in my career. I believe in that one.

The most difficult thing is football is to give the ball to a player that has the same colour shirt.

The best place for Cristiano is not out on the wings. The best for him is to play in every position.

I don't know the parameters for the Ballon d'Or. I only know that Messi deserves to win every trophy.

What I want is to recover the ball as near to the other box as we can, and when we have the ball, play.

The Bernabeu faithful doesn't want a similar style to Barca. They want a more direct style of football.

Some big teams prefer to be very strong defensively and have two, three, four counter-attacking players.

There can be very cheap players that play very well, and maybe, expensive players, they don't do so well.

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