People think I'm smarter than I am.

I guess I was a philosophical child.

I'm surprised by how much I remember.

Puberty was definitely difficult for me.

I was never a prodigy. I was never a child genius.

People like to make children into little grown-ups.

Film can be exciting, but more often, it's tedious.

I was very aware of being younger than everybody on set.

No, you will never see me on 'Dancing With the Stars.' Sorry.

There were things that I knew that I was going to keep to myself.

I didn't trust adults because I thought they were all kind of corrupted.

I've always really loved stories told from the point of view of children.

I thought children were pure and innocent, and that was inherently better.

People view child actors the same way that girls treat their Barbie dolls.

'Matilda' was my favorite movie to film and my favorite to watch, as well.

It is strange to have everybody in the world still think of you as a child.

Sure, I love to read, and I love to learn, but I was always nerdy that way.

If you can affect someone when they're young, you are in their heart forever.

I remember my friends and I looking forward to puberty because it seemed exciting at first.

Of course I didn't have a boyfriend then. I didn't even have a camp boyfriend then [at age of 13].

When my oldest brother started acting. From there, I wanted to act myself. That's the long story short.

I was such a nerd. It just wasn't something I would have wanted. And I didn't want to act like an adult.

The best times I had on film sets were the times the director let me express myself, but those were rare.

It's easier to see children as mini adults than it is to imagine or to remember what it is to be a child again.

If I were really really ridiculously wealthy, I wouldn’t buy a mansion, just tiny apartments in every city I love.

Actually, I do like pink clothes, but it's not because I'm girly, it's because I'm the reincarnation of Oscar Wilde.

My mother died when I was young, and I was filming all the time. I was all over the place. Acting was the one constant.

Children change a lot in terms of personality. Camaraderie that you feel with somebody might not be there a year later.

I think I might like to try film again just as an experiment, but I know that I could never do the mainstream thing again.

I've never considered myself cool, and I don't think I ever will be. Honestly, it's better that way. It's much less pressure.

I didn't want to be a former child actor for the rest of my life, although in some ways I suppose I am. I am going to be that.

People want to bring kids to their level, and they want to make it seem like kids have this thing. It's seen as funny to them.

I knew I didn't want to put anything down in writing about the first time that I had sex. I knew that I didn't want to do that.

I can't take much pride in my childhood acting. It feels like it happened in another lifetime, and even then, it felt like a hobby.

I don't know if I'm always going to be acting. Maybe when I grow up, I will be a scriptwriter. I already have a few scripts in my head.

If I ever have children of my own, they will read Matilda. They will watch the movie. And you can bet they will see Matilda: The Musical.

Considering all the legal hassle child stars can be, I won't be surprised when they are phased out by CGI children voiced by adult actors.

My grades in high school were not very good. I was that kind of perfectionist that figured if you can't do it perfectly, why do it at all?

Very sad, very upset, very glad I did not have to hear about this though Twitter. Probably going to be taking some time off it for a while.

If I were to talk to Lindsay Lohan, I'd encourage her to get the hell out of acting and into something soothing. Take up botany or something.

If I ever have children of my own, they will read 'Matilda.' They will watch the movie. And you can bet they will see 'Matilda: The Musical.'

I still get recognized. It's flattering, but it can be uncomfortable. Maybe because it only seems to happen when I'm looking and feeling crappy.

The thing is, with writing, it's form or content. You need to write about something interesting or you need to write about it in an interesting way.

Not many child stars make it out of Hollywood alive or sane, and at any given time there are at least three former ones having very public breakdowns.

David Sedaris wrote in one of his books that people like to make children into little grown-ups, which to him is about as funny as a dog in sunglasses.

I thought I started acting at 5 or 6, it was really when they were interviewing real families for a toothpaste commercial. They interviewed our family.

People who meet me as an adult are often surprised that I'm alive and have never been in prison or rehab. Sometimes they're disappointed I'm not cooler.

That's my suggestion for kids who want to act, by the way: Make sure it's really your choice, get out of it when it stops being fun, and get an education.

Assume everything you put on the Internet can and will be seen not only by the person you're talking about, but your future romantic partners and bosses, too.

I'd rather be known for my accomplishments, and for things that I really do take pride in, rather than known for this doll-like image I had when I was a child.

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